Chapter 3

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—a couple of days passed—

The Grand Cruiser arrived at the planet of Remnant,Y/N put his stuff into Thunderhawk and it flew out of the Cruiser and went into the planets orbit and approached Beacons landing pads with Ozpin and Glynda waiting there as the aircraft landed with the hatch hissing open as the Space Wolf slowly walked out with his helmet on and his bag and metal crate which might be holding his weapons. The Marines presence caught everyone's eye as they wondered who or what he is with excitement and curiosity

Y/N:"hello Headmaster Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch,it's an honor to be here"

Ozpin:"the honor is ours"

Y/N shook their hands

Ozpin:"Glynda will take you to the locker rooms to place your weapons and armor if you want to take it off then meet me in my office"

Y/N:"very well"looked over to Glynda

Glynda gestured the Marine to follow her and he did while Ozpin smiled

Ozpin:"he's in for a huge surprise"

Scene change to Ozpins office—

We see the Belladonnas including Blake on one side while the L/N's who were a bit agitated

Ghira:"why did you call us all here Ozpin?"he asked annoyed

Ozpin:"you'll see"

D/N:"this better be important,I had to cut a meeting short with the Hunters for this"he said coldly

Ever since Y/N's death both families have been taking it hard. Ghira stepped down as the Chief of the White Fang,Kali has been more depressed along with M/N,D/N has become more strict and cold so that something like Y/N's death doesn't happen again while Blake held it together the best but it was a facade to how heartbroken she was on the inside-yes she's still mad at her team for looking at her scrapbook but who could blame her

Scene Change to elevator—

We see the Marine and Combat Professor riding the elevator up

Glynda:"you might want to take your helmet off for this meeting"

Y/N:underneath his helmet he raised an eyebrow but did as he told taking the helmet off then put it on his belt

The elevator dinged as it reached Ozpins office and it slowly opened up to reveal his family and the Belladonnas. He and Goodwitch walked out as the S/C male smiled at everyone while Glynda and Ozpin looked at the families shock

Y/N:"just know I'll explain everything and tell you why I couldn't communicate with any of you for all this time I've been alive"

Blake slowly walked over to Y/N and gestured him to kneel down and he did. She pulled out her silver medallion as he pulled the gold one with the matching rings on the chains,the two leaned in and kissed each other passionately and lovingly while everyone smiled. Glynda bringing out a handkerchief to wipe the tears of happiness along with Kali and M/N

The newly reunited couple separated and looked each other in the eyes

Blake:"you're in trouble with me just so you know"

Y/N:"I expected that..."

Blake:placed her hands on his face cheeks"you look handsome with wolf features and a beard~"

Y/N:"thank you kitten~you would look better without the bow~"

As he said that Blake smirked granting his wish by taking off the bow with her cat ears showing then hugged the Marine while purring. The adults joined in the hug and Y/N hugged them too then separated

D/N:"good to see you my son"

M/N:"my little Viking has become so big,can't call you little no more huh"

Y/N:"I know no matter how big I become I'll always be your little Viking and I wouldn't have it any other way"he said with a smile

M/N:"you're so sweet!"she said hugging her son

Ghira:"now then I believe you owe ALL of us an explanation on why you fake your death for so long"

Y/N:nodded"I didn't fake my death Mr.Belladonna but I will explain this so let's go back to the time of the battle where I was supposed to die"

Flashback/Y/N's POV—

I laid on the snow losing life with 6 Beowolves above my body ready to devour my flesh until shots were fired and killed them then I heard heavy and rapid footsteps come over to my body but couldn't see anything as I closed my eyes. I woke up and shot up and looked around to see I'm in some sort of lab and looked down at my body to see I'm fine and no longer had any cuts

The doors in front of me opened up and I see a men in armor and the one in the middle stood out to me the most. Black hair,a sword with a saw and a wolfs skin on his back,he stood to the side and spoke

Ragnar:"I'm Ragnar Blackmane of the Space Wolves and we welcome you my brother"

Y/N:I raised an eyebrow"brother?Space Wolves?"

Ragnar:"let me explain a bit. The Space Wolves are a legion of Space marines who protect and fight for humanity,we all are blessed with the gifts and curse given by our Father Leman Russ The Wolf King. The Emperor of mankind has given his Son Leman Russ the powers of a wolf and now we also have those traits"I nodded to let him know I understand then he continued"Now since we're all born under the same Primarch/Father all of us are brothers but you are actually my blood brother and I will oversee your training and trials,but only if you accept,you'll become a strong warrior but won't be able to go back until you've completed your training and went through a great numbers of battles. Now....what do you say little brother"he asked holding his hand out

If this will make me stronger I will do it...I won't be able to contact or see my family and wife for a while. I looked at the other Space Wolves then at Ragnar as I took his forearm as he grasped mine and everyone else celebrated while me and Ragnar smiled at each other. For the next few years I completed the trails and went to battle with my brothers,climbing up the ranks quick to become the 2nd youngest Wolf Lord then led many battles with my brothers. Fighting heretics,xenos, and mutants and saving many people who cheer and sing my praises throughout the galaxy.

Flashback ends—

Y/N:"and that's why I couldn't come back or contact you because I had to focus on my training and serving with my brothers"he turned to his parents with a slightly annoyed expression"I'm also mad you guys didn't tell me about my badass older brother Ragnar"he said with a snarl

D/N:"believe us son we wanted to tell you but he insisted he stayed a secret until he felt the time was right but since he found you almost dead in the snow I guess he did what he did to save you and wanted to be the first to see you"

M/N:"we're sorry we kept him a secret son"

Y/N:he growled"what's done is done I guess"he turned to Blake"I also have...something really important to tell you in private"

Blake:"we can discuss it later as you're still in trouble with me"she said with a mischievous smirk that the Marine feared but loved at the same time

Y/N looked at the male adults in the room and mouthed "help me please" but receives a quick response of shaking their heads no quickly while the women secretly prayed for the Space Wolfs safety. After a few more moments the reunited couple bid their families a goodbye as they flew back to Menagerie then Blake looks up at Y/N

Blake:"Now what is this one thing you wanted to talk about?"

Y/N:"before I tell you just know I stayed loyal to you throughout the whole time I was gone..."

Blake raised an eyebrow at the H/C haired man as they walked back inside Beacon together

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