Chapter 13

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Continuing from last chapter we see Ruby and her team still on the surface trying to "find" any entrance to the underground train railroad Roman told Y/N about. As they're walking Ruby stepped onto a not very solid area and the ground collapsed in on itself as she fell down

Weiss:"Ruby!"she shouted in concern as she looked down at the big hole

The wolves and terminators also surrounded the hole

Ruby's POV—

I was screaming until I crashed on the ground and slowly looked up to see an underground ruins of a forgotten city

Ruby:"this is the place!we're getting close!"

Suddenly I heard a door slam open and I looked behind me to see 8 White Fang aiming their guns or holding their blades in hand. 2 with melee weapons started to walk closer to me as I was about to swing but got crushed into red paste as. Terminator 1 turned around and fired at the enemies as his bullets tore them to shreds. Terminator 2 turned around and spoke

Terminator 2:"are you well Ms.Rose?"

Ruby:"yes. What about Weiss and everyone up there?"

Terminator 2:"we'll meet them with team 2. Apparently they've found a way down there and if we keep going we'll find Roman and the rest of the Fang here"

Ruby:"alright let's go"

We took the door and moved forward

Scene change to team 2–

We see Y/N and his group walking down the hall and Blake sees a path leading to 2 ways. Blake stopped and held her fist up to stop everyone else and looked down the 2 paths to see the left side

Blake:"i see Roman and the White Fang"

Everyone looked down to see Roman commanding a small platoon of White Fang

Romans POV—

Roman:"ok everyone!it's time to begin the next phase of the plan!"

I pull out my scroll and send the message to Y/N

Roman:[The hunt is about to begin]

A few seconds later...

Y/N:[the wolves are near...]

Time to leave. Me and Neo get on the train and rode off

3rd POV—

We see our hero's ready. Hircine grabbed 2 flash grenades and tossed them near the White Fang as they blinded the enemy


Hircine pulled out his bolter rifle and shot down many Fang as Y/N also took them out. Y/N looked at a Jeep and shouted at Blake and Yang

Y/N:"take the cars and go!"he said while shooting

Yang:"are you sure?"

2 White Fang rush for the marines only to get blasted in the heads


Yang and Blake did as they were ordered and took a Jeep and drove off to follow the train. The 2 Space Wolves grabbed their main melee weapons and reloaded their bolt pistols as the Fenrisan wolves bared their fangs and snarled

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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