Chapter 9

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Emerald Forest—

We see Hircine standing on a cliff with Professor Goodwitch,Ozpin and his parents standing across from him. Ozpin explains the rules to him while the young Space Wolf checks his chainaxes,bolter pistol and combat knife

Scene change to Mess Hall—

RWY,JNPR and CFVY looking at the holographic screens to watch the carnage unfold

Coco:"so the younger and handsome man is Y/N's and Blake's adopted son~?"

Weiss:"yes and today we're watching him go through another trial"

Yatsu:"don't many Aspirants have to go through many trails and tests before being fully accepted among the legion?"

Ruby:"yep and this will be his last and only trial for Beacon!"

Yang:"he'll pass this with ease!"She said in full confidence for the young Space Wolf

Scene change back to Emerald Forest—

Ozpin:"do you understand your objective Mr.L/N?"

Hircine:"go in,grab a relic and slay anything that gets in my way. Simple and easy enough"he said pulling out his chainaxes and revved them

Y/N:"don't let that arrogance and ego get to you son"he said sternly with arms folded

Hircine:"yes father"

Blake:"good luck Hircine"

Hircine:"thank you mother"looks at Ozpin"may I begin?"

Ozpin:"go ahead-your trail begins now!"

Hircine gave a chilling smile before running to the edge of the cliff and jumped down to be met with a ton of Grimm as he smiled wider


He charged into the horde of Grimm and began ripping them to pieces with all his fury and brutality. He used his axes to cut off their heads,arms and legs, he made sure every single Grimm was met with a gruesome demise. He grabbed one Ursa and bashed its head on a big boulder repeatedly as the other Grimm watched

Scene change to cliff—

Blake is watching the scene before her and Y/N watched with a grin as he watched

Blake:"is this...a result of stress and anger?"

Y/N:"no it's pure instinct,he's usually calm and quiet"

Glynda:"he seems to be the exact opposite of that"she said slightly concerned and afraid

Y/N:"I assure you this is normal for all Space Wolves when we're in battle"

Back to Hircine—

He finished the last of his enemies and made his way East to where the relics would be. He switched to his bolter rifle and shot down 5 Ursa's with their head's exploding in blood and gore then shot down 10 more of them,when one was about to swing its paw from behind he ducked and pulled out his combat knife to stab its vital points and shot one round to the head

Hircine:"these Grimm aren't strong individually but together they are,better watch out for packs"

Throughout the journey he's easily destroyed the Grimm in his way until he finally saw the ruins and went down to grab a knight piece before going back and gave it to Ozpin

Ozpin:"welcome to Beacon Hircine"

Hircine nodded and he was congratulated by his parents then met up with the others to celebrate then go to sleep for the night

Next Morning at an abandoned Warehouse—

We see our 2 Space Wolves standing outside at the front of the warehouse

Hircine:"this the place Wolf Lord?"

Y/N:"it is,now let's go greet our inside sources"

Hircine nodded as they both walked inside and heard other footsteps and the younger L/N pointed his bolter where it came from and slowly out came a man in a suit,bowler hat and orange hair along with a small multi haired colored girl in a pink and white outfit as she waved cutely

Y/N:"you two must be Roman and Neo...our inside sources"he said with a small smile as Hircine put his bolter down

Roman:"yes indeed,you two must be the big dogs Ozpin sent"he said taking a drag from his cigar and blew it out"now then...I understand we're here on business?"

Y/N:"of course"

Quick backstory:Ozpin found Neo and Roman in the black market scene and offered them a job that pays. Be his spies and/or supply any info they could get on any of the 4 Kingdoms enemies,they agreed and have been working for Ozpin ever since

Y/N and Roman sat at a table and Roman brought out files to reveal Cinder,Emerald and Mercury

Roman:"these are the guys who are going to infiltrate Beacon and they're moving to phase 2 as we speak"

Y/N:"anything else you can offer us to give an edge?"

Roman:"all I know is that I'll be in charge of an operation in Mount Glenn"

Y/N:"where many strong Grimm roam around the most"

Roman:"mhm and we'll need to be prepared for their biggest part of their plan"

The two of them continued to talk as Hircine stood to the side where Neo is sat on a crate legs crossed and parasol open looking at the marine with a smirk. Hircine could feel the stare and took a small glance at her as her smirk grew which got the marine to look away immediately

Neo tapped his armor and he turned his head to her as she gestured the wolf to kneel down and so he did as she typed on her scroll and held it out for him

Neo:[why so nervous lil pup~]

Y/N:" yourself now~I've got fangs~"

Neo:[im definitely seeing them now~but seriously are you single~?]

Y/N:"I am~"

The two began chatting with each other as the adults watched with grins

Y/N:"you approve Roman?"

Roman:"personally I'd like to get to know the boy first but Neos a big girl so I'm going to put breaks on the overprotective parent...for now"

Y/N:"alright fair enough, now we know we gotta hit Mount Glenn thanks for the info. Ozpin thanks you"

Y/N stood up and gestured Hircine they're leaving and they returned to Beacon and got out of their armor before heading to the shared dorm room and saw RWBY,JNPR and CFVY conversing with one another

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