Tsuna X Reader- Study date

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Y/N- your name

Y/E/C- Your eye colour

Y/H/C- your hair colour


"W-We can study at my house if you'd like...I I mean, if that's okay!" Tsuna trailed off, eyes sharp on the lookout for Reborn, lest the baby take things into his own hands and make things even more awkward for the young Vongola heir.

Blinking up at him from your seat, Y/E/C eyes watched as the stuttering boy before you seemed to fluster even more, nervously shifting from foot to foot as he waited for your response.

He was a kind boy, one of the kindest you'd ever met. Before transferring into his class, your life had been rather ordinary.

Wake up, school, go home, study, sleep- repeat.

Day after day, week after week, your life had just seemed like one big jumbled monotone mess.

And then he came.

Sawada Tsunayoshi, in all his blushing, nervous glory, had added colour to your dull life.

You remembered it very clearly, that first moment he interacted with you and made your heart stutter in your chest as he lay sprawled across your legs. In true Tsuna fashion, he'd tripped over himself at the worst moment, ending up taking you to the ground with him. Your Y/H/C hair had been a mess around your head, your Y/E/C eyes wide with shock and bewilderment, and for the first time, something interesting seemed to happen in your life.

The boy had slowly lifted his brown eyes, fully prepared to start stuttering out apologies, only to stop short and seem to lose his breath. You didn't know what had happened then, and you still had no idea, but at the time you'd just assumed he'd injured himself and set about taking him to the infirmary.

Sweet, he'd called you after taming the red blooming across his face, kind and beautiful as well.

You were pretty sure he'd hit his head at that point.

Later on that day, he'd slowly made his way up to you and apologised, still blushing and looking anywhere but your form. You'd just smiled and told him it was no problem, that it was an accident and you understood- no harm no foul.

That had been the starting point to your friendship, and no matter how wild or outrageous his other friends could be, you'd never felt so safe and welcomed.

So happy...

"I-if today's a bad time, we could always-" Cutting the boy off before he could continue, you smiled warmly up at him.

"Today's fine, I'd love to study with you Tsuna. I've never been over to your house before though, so you'll have to show me the way after school, okay?"

I'd love to-

I'd love to-

I'd love to.

Your heart-warming words echoed around his head for the rest of the day, bringing heat to his cheeks at the most random of times and eventually prompting Gokudera to fret over his wellbeing.

"Juudaime, are you sure you're okay, you're all feverish again!" The white haired boy continued to hover, anxious over his boss's health.

"I'm fine Gokudera, I promise!" The young heir muttered again, sweat-dropping slightly as the boy continued to watch his every move like he'd drop dead any second now. "I'm...fine."

Propping his head up on one of his palms, Tsuna's eyes unconsciously found you again, and it took all his willpower to stop the wistful sigh from leaving his lips as he sunk lower into his desk chair.

He really was looking forward to spending time alone with you, even if it meant he had to study. Tsuna had gone through hell and back to ensure that your visit would be chaos free.

From bribing Lambo to behave, to grudgingly informing Bianchi of his 'young love', he did everything he could to make sure that your visit was a fun and peaceful one.

No grenades, no poison cooking, no random Spartan tutor training sessions.

He just...wanted you to think well of him and his household.

'Y/N, I'm so happy...'

That happy sigh he was fighting finally made its way from his lips, echoing in his ears as he watched you scribble slightly in your note book, a love struck smile forming on his face as his hooded eyes remained focused on your form for the remainder of the lesson.

I'd love to, Tsuna.

"Have you got everything Tsuna?" You questioned, watching the boy frantically check his bag.

"Y-Yeah, I think I do. Alright let's get going then..." He trailed off, scratching the back of his head nervously as he began to lead the way, his slightly worried eyes watching you as you both walked in silence. "Hey Y/N...I just...I'm sorry if things are messy when we get there, or if it's loud, or, you know- destroyed-" Tsuna cut of his ramblings as he felt a small warm hand lock with his own, his words turning into nothing but a stuttered mess.

You were...you were holding his hand.

"Tsuna," you began, having noticed how worked up he was about the state of his home. "It's not a problem, really. It doesn't matter if it's noisy, or messy, or 'destroyed'. Honestly, you should see my house, I don't think I've seen the floor in a month."

True or not, it still made the boy feel better, and you were rewarded with one of those smiles that made your heart stutter.

One of those smiles that made your life colourful and happy.

"Okay," His hand tightened around your own softly, his fingers moving instinctively to interlock with yours before he picked up his pace, his cheeks slightly flustered just like your own. "Let's get going, we need to get there before anything-"

The faint sound of an explosion rang out, and the boy next to you seemed to slump in on himself, a pout forming on his face.


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