Ryohei x Reader- Early morning marathon

834 35 5

Y/N- Your Name

F/C- Favourite colour


You didn't know how long you'd been running for, but you knew you couldn't stop. Each thud of your feet pounding against the sidewalk gave away your position, but if you slowed to make yourself quieter, he'd catch you in no time at all.

No, as long as you could keep ahead of him, how loud you were didn't matter.

"You really are EXTREMELY dedicated Y/N-chan! Join the boxing club!"

"I ALREADY TOLD YOU NO RYOHEI, STOP FOLLOWING ME!" You yelled back over your shoulder with an exhausted blush, speeding your sprint up just a fraction as he turned the corner behind you, his grin making you all the more unnerved.

He just couldn't get a clue.

You'd think after months of you running away from him, he'd warm up to the idea that you didn't want to join his club. But no, these chases happened day after day, always leaving you a sweating, panting mess by the time you get to homeroom each morning.

Sasagawa Ryohei was a great guy, dedicated and fun to be around. He gave everything his all and you'd always looked up to him for inspiration, well, whenever he wasn't trying to chase you down. He wasn't bad looking either, and the thought had you blinking in shock and trying to fight back whatever blush was on your face as you continued down the sidewalk.

"Y/N-chan, please-"

"NO, damn it!" Turning another corner and spotting those beloved Namimori gates, you panted hard, pushing yourself further and further until finally-

A tanned hand grasped your forearm, yanking you to a stop as hard flesh covered your own.

A loud thud sounded and a puff of hot breath fanned across your face, your eyes widening in surprise as Ryohei pulled you tighter against his body, a grunt escaping him as another loud hit sounded.

What...what was he doing?

His body lurched to the side, pulling you with him as he staggered slightly, his ever present grin finally gone from his face.

"Herbivores, you're causing a disturbance. I'll bite you to death."

Your body froze, your breath catching in your throat as you felt it in an instant, that all too familiar aura.

Hibari Kyoya.

White hair filled your vision as the boy shielding you gave another lurch, your eyes catching sight of the tonfa striking his back this time as the older boy shifted to stop it from grazing your side.


"Hibari-san, it's EXTREMELY not nice to try and hit girls!"

Why was he...why was he protecting you?


Another strike, and the body shielding your own gave out momentarily, your arms instinctively moving to try and hold him up.

You did, and it took all the strength you had to keep him from hitting the ground until he found his footing again, his face leaving your eyesight as he turned to watch the disinterested Skylark walk away without a backwards glance.

"R-Ryohei..." He turned back to you, his arms still holding you tightly as he quickly gave your face a once over, most likely checking for any damage.  "You didn't have to do that."

"Yes, I did Y/N-chan. It was extremely my fault he saw us today, I shouldn't have pushed you to run that fast this morning. I knew he was skulking around, I just didn't think you'd get to the gate early enough to have to deal with him. " He confessed, his grey eyes watching you with a seriousness and intensity you'd never seen directed your way before.

It was the same look he got before a match, before he gave something his all.

Odd, yet you didn't ponder it for too long, your mind catching up with his words suddenly.

"Wait...you mean you've been planning these marathons?!" You stuttered out, disbelief seeping into your voice as a sheepish look crossed his face.

"Well...I like running with Y/N-chan in the mornings, it's extremely fun." He confessed, his grin blooming back to life as you gave an indignant cry.

"DAMN IT RYOHEI! You know I hate running!"

"That's why I chase you! Y/N-chan gets EXTREMELY motivated then!"


The small brown haired boy gave a sigh as he spotted his guardian at the gates, the white haired boxer's attention solely focussed on the girl storming away from him in a huff.

"You made her run all the way here again, didn't you?" Tsuna questioned, feeling sorry for the girl who'd caught the 'extreme' young man's attention.

"Yep!" was the only response he got as the white haired boy gave a pout, his eyes trailing after the retreating figure as she disappeared through the front doors.

"Onii-san, even I know she hates that. All she ever does in the mornings is complain about you!"

"I know," The boxer agreed, finally looking to the younger boy from the corner of his eye, a large grin breaking out on his face again as he happily continued. "But at least she's thinking about me, right? That's progress!"

Tsuna just sighed, shaking his head as his love struck guardian continued talking.

"Besides, it's even better when she forgets to wear shorts under her skirt. She's wearing the cute F/C panties today Tsuna, cute F/C panties are EXTREME!"


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