Squalo x Reader- Fake missions and supposed spies

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Y/N- Your name

Y/E/C- Your eye colour

Y/H/C- Your hair colour


It was a rather simple mission, and Squalo knew he'd only been assigned it due to...complications with his last target.

Sure, they'd wanted the man apprehended, but they never told him they wanted him in one piece, so it was their own fault really. I mean, who went to the Varia when they wanted someone brought back alive and uninjured?

So yes, he may have gotten a little out of hand, he may have thrown a few threats around, and their mission provider may have ended up with a few new bruises-

But did that really qualify him for this pain in the ass, poor excuse of a mission?!

'Find the spy' Yeah, that was really something someone of his calibre should be doing, especially when they already had a good idea of who it was. They should not have been wasting his time like this, even if it was a punishment.

He had better things to do and no time to waste sussing out if they had the right person or not.

Day 1:

Scowling as the car behind him pulled away from the curb, Squalo steadily ignored the man offering to carry his bag and instead walked through the large hotel doors, his glare shooing away anyone who even looked to be coming to greet him.

Yeah, this was a definite waste of his time.

Approaching the front desk and scowling at the shorter woman behind it, his eyes quickly scanned her name tag, completely ignoring how she seemed to cringe under his harsh stare.


"C-can I help you sir?" The woman stuttered out, seeming to shrink back further as his glare directed itself to her face, grey eyes clashing with timid Y/E/C.

"Superbi Squalo, I have a reservation." She really must have been new here, everyone else knew the Varia on sight.

"Right away, just let me....oh. Uhh, I'm sorry, the computer seems to be playing up, I'll just be a moment sir-"

"VOOOOIIII! I don't have time to waste standing around you piece of trash! You get me my keynow, or I swear I'll cut you to-"

As the woman before him seemed to tear up under his harsh tone, her manager eyed the situation and stepped in quickly, seeming to recognize the Varia swordsman for who he was.

"Y/N, dear, why don't you go assist Jane with Ms. Sorrola over there, she needs some help with her bags." The older man quickly ushered the woman away, taking her place and handing the swordsman his key without another moments hesitation. "I apologise for the delay."

Turning and walking to the elevator without another word, Squalo's eyes remained fixed on the Y/H/C woman, taking in her every move as she scurried around to assist the other employee.

So, this was the one he had to investigate.

Now, to see if she really was a spy or not.

Squalo missed the old days, before the Sawada brat took over, back when he could have just cut her down regardless of her being guilty or innocent.

Day 2:

Waking early and preparing for the day, Squalo eventually found himself down in the hotel's restaurant for breakfast, the bags under his eyes testament to how tired he actually was.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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