Xanxus x Reader- an odd crush for an odd man

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Y/N- Your name

Y/E/C- Your eye colour

Y/H/C- Your hair colour


You'd been friends with Tsuna for years, having met him through his mother. The woman was a god sent angel, and if she hadn't seen you wandering around lost that day, you didn't think you'd have ever found your way back home.

Your younger self had warmed up to Tsuna very quickly, much to the young boys discomfort, he didn't know how to handle you and your kindness, and you didn't understand why such a nice boy was always alone.

It'd taken a while for you to realize that Tsuna was bullied, and it took a little longer to realize the soft hearted boy was shielding you from it as well. As cowardly as he could be, the second any word of possible torment directed towards you reached his ears, he'd draw attention to himself and make them forget about you.

Tsuna...he was your best friend, your only friend at the time.

It was always Y/N and Tsuna. Tsuna and Y/N.

And then the others started appearing.

Slowly, yet surly, your heart warmed up to them, and with each new figure that entered Tsuna's life, your own family grew a little more.

Because if Tsuna liked them, accepted them, then you would too. The brown haired boy had always looked out for you, and you knew he'd never let anyone near that would cause his friends harm. So when you spotted him, the tall, scary looking man, standing across from your best friend...well...

You'd just assumed he was another potential friend Reborn was pushing Tsuna to make.

So you'd smiled.

Smiled, and waved at the man warmly, completely missing the tense atmosphere engulfing the area as you made your way to Tsuna's side.

"Hello." You greeted him, his scowl growing fiercely as Tsuna hurriedly stepped between the two of you, attempting to block you from the older mans view.

You had no idea what that simple smile had set off that day.

It was only later that you learned the truth.

Well...part of it.

You knew Tsuna was hiding something, and you'd allow him to have his secrets.

He'd tell you in his own time.

Your Y/H/C hair trailed behind you as you slowly made your way down the sidewalk, ice cream in hand as the warm sun beat down on you. Tsuna and his 'guardians' were off training, and you hadn't been allowed to tag along this time, leaving you on your own for the first time in years.

Not a smart move on the Vongola's part.

Because it was only seconds later that you found yourself bound and whisked away, the cry on your lips never even getting the chance to break free.

That smile.

That fucking smile.

It just wouldn't leave him alone!

Whipping his hand back and sending another glass to smash against the wall, Xanxus gave a growl of frustration and yelled for another drink. His heavy red gaze watched as his cannon fodder scurried around him, seemingly intent on pissing him off as they took their sweet time following his orders.

Mind drifting again, your sweet smile flashed in his vision, Y/E/C eyes softly gazing up at him as you waved, your voice moving to caress his ears.

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