Gokudera x Reader- His crush

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Y/N- your name

Y/E/C- Your eye colour

Y/H/C- your hair colour


Today was the same as any other, and your routine hadn't faltered the slightest until lunch.

You got to school, walked to class, faltered under Gokudera's glare, and remained seated for the next few hours going over school work.

Then lunch came, and with it, a boy.

He'd looked so determined when he entered the classroom, eyes locking with yours as he smiled and caught your attention.

"Y/N, I was just looking for you." He started, still halfway across the room, drawing even more attention to the two of you. "I..uh...I was wondering if you'd-"

He paused, paling rapidly and seeming to break out in a cold sweat as he stood frozen in the middle of the room.


"I-it's nothing, sorry to bother you." And with that he was gone, taking whatever he'd wanted to say with him.

It was only after you looked over your shoulder that you saw Gokudera and all his glaring glory, a dark aura seeming to radiate from his very being. He caught your eyes for a moment before looking away quickly, his hair hiding his face as he mumbled about the boy bothering the 'Juudaime' or Tsuna as you'd come to gather.

Shrugging it off and letting out a sigh, you just turned back and began gathering your lunch, intent on eating before something else came to interrupt you.

"Y/N, there you are! I need you to help me out with this project, it's due next lesson and-"

Great, just great.

Letting out a sigh, you looked up at your friend with tired eyes, smiling at them amusedly before clearing space for them to sit.

It was only later, after you heard your friend complaining about Gokudera, that you realized he'd stuck around glaring at the poor girl all lunch, a sweat-dropping Tsuna reluctantly sitting beside him.

Later on during class, you'd been assigned to work with him and Tsuna for the lesson. It was just a run of the miss group worksheet, and while the white haired boy rushed through and completed all the tasks for your group, you found it a little unfair.

"Hey Gokudera, are you sure you don't want us to do any of the questions?" He'd fumbled with his pen for a moment and looked up at you, a retort on the end of his tongue just waiting for you to say something insulting. "It just doesn't seem fair, you know? I don't want you to do it all if you don't want to."

He froze, looking you in the eyes for a split second, pink dusting his cheeks faintly before he began spitting out his usual remarks and going on about how the tenth would fail if he let you touch the paper.

Tsuna shot you a confused look for a moment, eyes glancing between the two of you before a seemingly knowing glint came to his eyes.

About what, you didn't know.

The end of the school day came quickly, and with it, came a heavy downpour.

And as usual, there was the glaring boy himself, dumping the same small handful of letters into the bin nearest the front doors.

You never saw where he got them or who gave them to him, yet each day after school, he'd be down here before everyone else getting rid of them.

Hell, you'd even seen him burn them before, his lips snarling in anger as he kicked whatever remained away.

Maybe it was his fan club acting up again?

Letting out a sigh and missing how his eyes seemed to snap towards you, you quickly made sure you had everything before pulling out your umbrella, edging out into the rain with a small smile.

Looking back over your shoulder to bid the boy farewell, you paused, noticing the look he was shooting out the window.

You knew that look, it was the 'I forgot something/messed up and won't tell anyone because I'll get wound up about it.'

Otherwise meaning he forgot his umbrella on a day like this.

"Hey Gokudera, want to walk home with me?" You offered, knowing he'd only get wound up again if you showed any hint of knowing his predicament.

"W-why the hell would I do that? The Juudaime-"

"Tsuna left early today to look after his baby brother, remember? Come on, I don't want to walk home alone on a day like this anyway."

It took another five or so minutes, but you were finally able to get him to agree, his face a flaming red as he walked close to your side, both taking shelter under the small umbrella.

Each time his arm brushed your own, he'd jerk away and out into the rain, only to curse and duck close to you again. It was amusing to watch, and the dark look he shot you made sure you knew he didn't appreciate his laughter.

The two of you didn't talk aside from his occasional swears or threats, but you didn't mind.

It was...peaceful, just the two of you standing close, the rain seeming to block the world around you out.

The further you walked, the more the boy seemed to calm down, and it was actually a rather nice sight. Every time you saw him, be it around town, at school or with friends, he was up tight and tense.

Just waiting for someone to lash out at him.

And to see him here, standing next to you with his shoulders loose and his posture seemingly lazy....it brought a smile to your face.

"Hey Y/N..." The boy began at last, just as you were slowing to a stop outside his apartment building.


"...thanks." The word was muttered so softly you almost missed it, and deciding not to make a big deal of this rather rare occurrence, you just brushed it off.

"Not a problem, I'll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight Gokudera!" Turning and beginning to walk back the way you both came, you could practically sense his body bristle again as he shouted out in confusion.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Uhhh....going home?" Glancing back at him over your shoulder with a sheepish grin, you finally admitted to living in the complete opposite direction, prompting the boy to sputter out a few curses and glare at you fiercely.

Or as fiercely as he could while imitating a tomato, the notion of you having gone so far out of your way for him nearly making him loose his breath for a moment.



"Let me go get my umbrella and I'll walk you home."

"You don't have to, I'll be fine on my own."

Another glare and he was grabbing your wrist, pulling you inside and out of the rain all the while refusing to meet your gaze.

"I wasn't asking. Just let me walk you home woman, stop being so stubborn."

What an odd guy. One minute he was cursing you, and the next he was going out of his way to make sure you got home safely.

Odd, but odd was nice, and he wouldn't be the Gokudera you knew if he wasn't at least a little strange.

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