The Date--Part 1

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Cassandra's POV

"Give my cheerleading outfit back,Christopher!"Me screaming at the arrogant boy who winked at me from the gap of the boys restroom.He shut the door and i was left cussing out behind the door.

I pouted and slid down the cement wall before staring at my hands.Christopher had been annoying me for three hours ever since i got out of Science Biology Class.Mr.Hennef decided it was a great idea for werewolves to start dissecting rats which we hate so much because it was in the nature.Then he decided it was perfect to have two arrogant rich annoying kids together and that's,hint-hint,ME and the asshole who's probably inside hornying over how revealing my cheerleader outfit is.

I groaned and took my phone out only to be met by a 'charge your battery' sign.My life just turned from worse to worser.

Fiddling with my fingers,i got up stomping my foot and grabbing the boy's restroom door open before yelling,"Christopher,if you don't get your ass here with my outfit,i will not..."Think,Cassandra,think.What does he want?Wait a minute,of course,i am so dumb,"...uh...go on a date to anywhere with you!"

That took his attention because he literally ran into me holding up the outfit,falling on top of me which i fell and landed onto the floor with a loud 'thud' and an 'ow' from me while an 'asshole' from me.His emerald eyes met mine and he smiled,his lips curling up,revealing white teeth which i so want to try with my tongu-NO!Cassandra,focus on asshole here.He doesn't deserve you.

Someone snapped his fingers before me i and i snapped out of my trance to meet his amusing ones,"You were oogling just now and i thought i saw a trail of saliva from your mouth."I sat up in horror and wiped my mouth with my white sleeve immediately only to be met with nothing wet or sticky.

Glaring at him,i stood up and swiped my outfit away from his grasp and stomped off towards somewhere else that does not inculde here.


Mummy left me alone again in the room with toys.She chuckled evilly and smiled,"The Red Fox will never accept you.You are too weak.Too weak."

I carried myself to a corner and huddled while crying to sleep.Those words still brought fear and i fell asleep while the words echoed in my brain.

Too weak.Two words that could bring me to my knees and tears out my eyes.I closed my eyes tightly,teats threatening to escape if i opened them.I haven't been experiencing these dreams but after i read the history of my parents,the nightmares flied back to me and stayed.

A knock erupted on the door and Logan strolled in with a concerned smile on his face,his eyes scanned my whole look before he grabbed a chair and sat it in front of me,sitting down.After a few minutes,he spoke,"Todd's been asking about you and he freaked so he said he would be coming back after a few days,though i think it would be tonight."

I nodded,"But why did he leave,Logan?I think i deserve an answer.Tracy has to be his problem for why he left."

Logan sighed and slid a hand down his face,"By the way,Chris told me to tell tou that he wants to take you on an outing.So get ready."He smiled weakly and stood up,opening the bedroom exit,"He's really trying his best you know.You shouldn't give up on him.Okay,Cass?"

I nodded and he winked at me before he stalked out.Logan may be a dick head to Courtney right now but he loves her.He was a good man,just not great at it.I quicky got ready in some black yoga pants,a white shirt with a cat on it saying,"I Love Meow-Days." and some black sneakers.Applying some light foundation and pink lipstick,i stalked out and was met by a bunch of flowers.

A nerdy boy stared up at me,his thick framed glasses revealed two sea green eyes.He had to be a non shifted werewolf because they wear glasses for some of them who have bad sight until they shift.His mouth curved up and he smiled,literally blinding my eyes.

He chuckled and said,"I'm Arnie and i want to be your date."I grimaced and politely,well tried to be,"I have to go.I have a boyfriend.Sorry."His mouth lifted down and he frowned.

That's when Christopher shows up and looks from me to him,he stood between me and Arnie and growled at him,"Stay away from her or else you will get it,human."Arnie whimpered and cowered back,leaving a trail for us.We walked past him but i was the one who noticed something about him.

He had a elvish tatoo and some flowery designs on his arm.His eyes literally held a angry and determined look yet his eyes glew a vibrant yellow.


When we left the pack house,i smiled and looked at him,"Where are we going?"His eyes met mine and for once i could see something in his eyes,a very amazed and loving look.Then i noticed how handsome he looked tonight with low hip hanging blacks,a black t shirt and some perfume that smelled heavenly manly.He was very handsome and the soft curls of his hair almost made me want to run my hair through them.

"We're going to the circus today and Mum's got me tickets from Billy O Bob,the rundown thug werewolf near the circus garbage.Saying that that's what he could get.Two tickets."Holding up the tickets,hr flashed my smile.

When i got into the truck of his,i smiled brightly,realizing maybe i should give Christopher a chance.He was the only one who understanded me when i was young.

Leaning close to his ear,i whispered,"I'm looking forward to our date,mate."Smiling when i heard his intake of a quick breath,i leaned back against my seat and watched as the stars slowly faded away behind the trees surrounding the pack house.

I was looking forward to the date,very much.

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