Trip-Part 1

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Cassandra's POV

"Are you sure you don't know anyone who's a witch and a nymph at the same time?"Courtney asks with politeness evident in her voice.

The woman with black braids in her hair shook her head and spoke something in French,"Non.Désolé, je ne peux pas aider."

Courtney nodded,"Merci beaucoup."I sighed in fustration after Courtney turned around and shook her head to indicate that the woman couldn't help us so we had to move on to another house at this block.

"Well this is getting really frustrating for all of us."Cassidy said while lifting her sun glasses up to look me in the eyes.Yeah,she came along to help us.I was pretty surprised when she volunteered at the meeting.Me and her forgave each other but it doesn't mean we were on really good terms.Logan and i are a different story,he didn't do much damage to me,just the occasional slapping,but never rumors.

Conner looked at her and hissed,"You aren't even helping at all.So shut your whore mouth."His eyes burned with a deep hatred within them.When mates insult each other,the other gets really hurt that she starts thinking of suicide or even mating with another wolf who lost their mate.Just like Bart,our father's friend's son.

Cassidy looked hurt for a second which made Conner guilty but she quickly covered up her face with a evil smirk,"At least I'm not a pathetic little virgin."

Conner growled at her in which Cassidy threw her hand out and hissed like a cat before retracting her hands and sharp fingernails.Cassidy was an expert at making hissing noises like cats at others when the other starts getting feisty.I was pretty surprised she managed to do it in front of her mate and friends,well sort of.

I rolled my eyes at their childish behaviour and interjected,"Guys,i know you have issues as mates and all,but can we please focus on this serious matter first?The last thing i need is two mates argueing over about them being virgins or not."I looked to Cassidy and threw her a amused smile in which she winked back in response.

I had no idea how she knew about Conner being a virgin but i knew that she had to go through something to get it.She always did that to get the information she needed.I mean,she IS a Gossip Queen after all.

Courtney sighed and rubbed her forehead before perking up suddenly with a big smile on her face,"Didn't she say mountains in the riddle?And something about a mime statue?"

I nodded slowly,not knowing where she was going.She suddenly beamed with a twinkle in her eyes,"I got it!I think it's the mountains beyond this city,because i went there on a field trip in school.I could get you there but we need Jeeps instead of Ferraris or even Lamborghinis."She threw me a pointed look when i pouted and sulked a bit.I wanted to show off my car though.

Sulking,i sighed and frowned,"But where are we going to get Jeeps?We're not fairies and all plus cars don't pop up suddenly in front of us when we say the words,abracadabra."

Cassidy piped in with interest,"I know a guy who can help you.We used to date back in pre-school before he moved away to here and build a car rental place.He was totally into cars and those stuff so we ended up being over."She twirled her hair and a dreamy look casted upon her face,i guess she was remembering the times when they were together.She was very much in love,i do have to say so myself.

Then when i remembered Conner and he didn't look happy at all.Instead he grabbed a coke and started to drink it after he popped the lid open.I couldn't help but stare at him,he had been through so much yet he was so calm about his ex mate meeting her boyfriend once again after so many years.When he caught me staring,he gave me a smile that says,'If you think i'm going to freak out,then you got another thing coming.'I smiled and nodded at him before turning around to face my mate,Chris who had been silently listening to music with his headphones while bobbing his head to the rhythm of the music.

He sensed me and smiled before taking out his earphones,"Hey,what's up?The woman couldn't help you,let me guess?"I pouted and reached in the car to grab a coke and also popped the lid before drinking it greedily.

Chris leaned towards me and threw his arms around my waist before gently biting my earlobe which caused me to let out a loud moan in which my friends and siblings turn around to look at me which made my face go beet red.

Courtney wriggled his eyebrows and smirked at Logan who blushed in total red.They'd make a cute couple well actually they'd be the cutest couple ever.I smiled to myself but then suddenlu thunder crackled above us and drops of rain hit on us like bees stinging.I quickly got into the car and Christopher followed suite.I revved the engine and we quickly sped away.

Guess we need a raincheck.


The speaker crackled with sizzling sounds and Courtney spoke through the phone,"Hey,all of us are tired and hungry,do you mind to stop by a motel or something?We could really use some sleep."

I looked at Christopher who woke up from his short nap and nodded,he grabbed the phone and spoke,"There's a place near this town,it's my aunt's house but she can probably let us stay there for a few days or so."

Courtney sighed in relief but asked with curiosity,"Where is it though?"

Christopher suddenly lifted his finger and pointed at a very gorgeous mansion,but with the rain blocking the beauty of the house,we let it go but wondered how beautiful was it gonna be in the morning."There."

Courtney cut the line and we stopped by the pavements,a dog came flying out of nowhere and i realized it was Rose,my golden retriever.I was starting to realize i haven't seen her for days,where had she been?

Christopher read my mind completely and smiled,"Rose was bored and i wanted to take you out so i dropped her off at my aunt's house and was going to pick her up when she called to tell me that Rose was having a high fever and then i just forgot about her until you made me remember just now,that was also one of the reasons why i suggested to stay here."

I gaped at him,totally utterly shocked at the amount of affection in his voice before i finally recomposed myself to say,"Yeah,thanks."

Getting out of the car,i ran to the bottom of the mansion and hid myself underneath the hiding place thingy.

Christopher ran with the others towards me and he quickly rapped on the door before the door swung open to reveal his aunt,Florina.

She smiled warmly at him and spoke in a language before saying,"You came to the right place,i just have the right amount of beds and food in here.But don't get wild!"

We laughed at the last sentence and quickly got into the house and to enjoy the warmth of the house.

I guess we could finally take a break.

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