Diego Martinez

508 12 4

Backstory 1

//Diego's pov//

"Dad! I'm two years ahead of the other kids!! My tutor said so!!" I boasted.


My eyes dropped, "a-aren't you proud of me?"

"No. Why should I be? Why should I be proud of a 8 year old who's already killed someone?"

Tears welled up in my eyes, "oh... I didn't mean to... I didn't try to kill mum."


Tears overflowed my eyes, spilling onto my cheeks. "I didn't mean... to."

I looked up to see not a human but a crazed devil with a glass shard.

"AH!" I screeched. Red engulfed my fingers as my hand instinctively darted to my right eye. "D-dad? It hurts," I sobbed.

"Good, suffer you murderer." He chillingly hissed as he left the room.

I felt my snowy hair start to stick towards my forehead as sweat trickled down my face.

I sniffled, feeling my legs give out falling onto the floor. I held my eye hiccuping and pleading for a shred of warmth. "Someone... Someone please help me, I didn't try to kill her, I didn't want to. Please can anyone help me?"

I held onto my eye feeling a bright pain travel from it to my chest.

Why is no one there? I heard someone come in a scream, why didn't they help me? Why is no one caring about me?

I heard footsteps creeping closer towards me.

"Diego, why did you go to father? I told you to never go to father didn't I?" Sister questioned.

"Sister, your here? It hurts... Please help me. Can I have a hug please? It hurts, I'm cold." I begged as I looked up.

"No, don't call me sister, we're barely siblings." She spoke so softly and gently almost pitying me but her words pierced through my heart.

I stared into her eyes only to find a cold, untrusting person.

"S-sorry Varay..."

"Get up."

I felt my feeling in my legs return as I let go of my eye. I pushed myself up from the ground stumbling but standing. I looked up as blood dripped from my closed eye to the wooded floor.

"Jeez, he really didn't hold back this time huh?" She stared at my eye.

I shuffled my feet playing with my twitching fingers.

"Whatever let's go."


//third person's pov//

A dark brown stain covered Diego's eye as he sat down waiting for his sister to come back. His eyes darted from the door to the mirror. His body stiffening as he stared at his right eye. Dried blood sticking to his cheek and hair.

He looked like a monster...

His eye dried shut as he raised his arm pulling at the crusted red splatter. Fresh blood spilled from his forehead dripping down his cheek.

"Why did you pick it? Your such a dumb child." She sighed.

"Sorry, Varay..."

The family's emitter walked in through the door past Varay to stare at me dumbfounded.

"H-how old is he?"

"Eight years old." Varay spoke in a monotone voice.

"Oh my god." He took a step towards Kyle chanelling mana into them.

/After healing/

"Lady Varay, that is very serious especially for an eight year old. He'll have that scar for the rest of his life!" The emitter explained.

"Is he alive?"


"Will it cause any disabilities?"

"He's slightly blind in his right eye..."

"Then he's fine."

"He's a child!"

"I don't like your tone."

The emitter scoffed and turned away, "his f*cking eye has changed colour. From blue to red, the blood stained his eye. You still don't care? He's going to die before he turns twelve. Just you watch."

"Goodbye." Varay muttered as her eyes hardened.

"Bye mister..."

Diego waved his hand. The emitter had a pained smile as he waved back then left. Diego then turned to Varay, "why did he say I was going to die?"

"Cause he's crazy, now go back to your room and don't go to father," Varay ordered.

"Okay, bye sis- Varay..." His voice trailed off as he left the room.

//Diego's pov//

Am I... really that hard to love? Is that why no one seems to care? Why no one seems to show me any affection?

I have been covered with bruises, scratches and cuts... If I didn't kill her would things be different? Would father and sister love me?

I have worked so hard for praises that are non existent. I have been kicked out of our manor more than I can count on both hands... Only once was I grateful that I had to leave, because that was when I met her... Her beautiful dark chocolate eyes, her hair that floats around her as if protecting an angel. Her gorgeous personality, how even though I had mud stuck to my head and leaves with scratches and bruises covering my body she still helped me.

The emitter said I would die by twelve if this keeps up so that's a maximum of four years... Then during that time I want to see her. She would never treated me like this... If I can't ever see her again then...

Let's see if I can lower the four years.


//third person's pov//

"Ugh," Diego groans as he squints his eyes, his back burning and aching.

"Diego? Are you awake?" A soothing gentle voice lingered in his ear.

Diego opened his mouth to respond but started to cough uncontrollably.

"Here," someone handed him a glass of water.

"Thanks," he coughed out.

"I should be thanking you instead for saving my life."

Diego snapped his head to his left spilling water out of the cup, "princess Kathlyn?"

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