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Redid this one lmao
i forgot to add draneeve's description but i fixed it :)

it took a while cuz im doing eisteddfod for school and my school just finished the performance 🥲🥲


//third person's pov//

"It's not a that," Clive spat, "he, is my creation!"

"Did 'he' crawl out of your ass?" Arthur questioned, "Cause he looks like sh*t."

Clive's aura visibly darkened as he yelled at his 'creation.' It then started to move channeling mana in its hand.

Everyone stared, bewildered at the sight before them.

His face covered with a mask almost brightening the area as his aura created a place of darkness. His crimson hair that reaches just past his shoulders clashing with his sickly grey skin that highlighted his psychotic, crazed expression that was still noticeable underneath the mask.

The air around the now former prestigious academy that has become broken, shards of glass scattered around the once joyful yards became heavy. Students, teachers and mana beasts gagged and choked, but instead of their fear pointing at Clive's beast it was at another individual.

They felt as if they were drowning. Fighting for air while trying to scream. They all turned to the cause of their torture.

Arthur Leywin.

He turned to Clive still facing his opponent. "Everybody, watch as my creation Draneeve destroys the quadra elementalist to teeny. Tiny. Human bite size pieces." Clive emphasised almost unaffected by Arthur's intent but was still sweating profusely.

Arthur turned his head towards Draneeve who had now shot his sphere of mana. Arthur took a step towards him.

As he analysed his opponent he noticed something unordinary.

"You're a mana beast aren't you." Arthur glared.

"H-he isn't! What the h*ll are you on about peasant?" Clive spluttered.

"It is impossible for humans, dwarves and elves to be able to conjure a pure ball of mana and to be able to shoot it that far with out a core. In fact it's impossible to use mana without a core, it's also impossible to have mana veins without a core. Unless, your a mana beast." Arthur explained, "didn't your thick skull think that someone would realise that?"

"Shut up!" Clive screeched, "kill him Draneeve!"

Draneeve started to charge towards Arthur while augmenting more mana into his body, preparing to punch him. Arthur channelled mana into his hand creating a fireball while slamming his foot into the ground making the ground pile up against each other. Draneeve dodged the broken pieces of the Earth and then he started to chant.

"A mana beast that is an augmenter and a conjurer? You must've put alot of money into this pet project," Arthur scoffed.

As Draneeve got closer, Arthur reinforced his body with mana while pulling his foot back into a defensive stance.

Draneeve then slammed into Arthur expecting him to fly off his feet but Arthur had stayed upright blocking Draneeve's arm. When he realised his mistake and tried to pull his arm back it was too late.


His arm bent the other way, crushed and bruised. The look of absolute dread had been splattered all over his face. Draneeve knew, this time...

He was f*cked.

He raised his other arm casting a fire spell towards Arthur. He had effortlessly dodged and cracked Draneeve's other arm.


//Kathlyn's pov//

H-how is that m-mana beast doing that?? It's impossible! Millions of possible answers swirled around my head but all had a flaw. It was not possible. None of the possibilies were... no none of them were able to be done.

But as I stare at the sight before me, I realised we might win! This Draneeve person or beast seems to be no match for Arthur, he's too strong.

Deep in thought I wonder what will happen after this? Why haven't the lances arrived? They must've received something to notify them about our situation. And how did Clive make this project? His family doesn't have enough money to experiment with these different things... Someone else must be helping him. There's only a few other noble families besides me, brother and Princess Tessia that has enough money...

Who could it be?


What? I look up to see a blaze of light blasting towards me.

"PRINCESS!" The voice got closer as the light shot through. I felt a body slam into mine and we both went rolling down the crater that Arthur had made. The flame glared while dashed through the air past me and my mystery saviour.

"Are... you okay Princess?" He grunted.

My eyes turned towards him to see... Diego?


"Diego Martinez... a-are you okay?" He gazed at me trembling uncontrollably while panting.

"Y-yes I am."

He stood up from the crater as brother started to yell, "sister! Are you okay?" Brother slid down towards me.

"I'm fine," I breathed.

Diego then reached down his hand ushering me to get up quickly just in case. He held onto my hand pulling me up softly as if I was a fragile piece of glass. When we made it out of the crater we saw Draneeve with his throat ripped out.

Blood dripping from the wound onto Arthur's feet was burned into my mind. The picture of the monster Draneeve with scarlet red dripping down his disgusting grey, cracked skin was enough to almost make me throw up. But Arthur did not seem to care as he walked past the dying monster and stared directly into Clive. Clive stood with his pathetic bow, trembling with his eyes filled with fear. His bottom lip quivering as his finger could barely hold onto his arrow.

"You messed with the wrong person," Arthur spoke in a monotone voice with a dangerous look in his eyes. Half his face was covered in the beast Draneeve's blood.


My eyes snapped towards the person who made that noise.

"Diego? Are you okay?" I questioned worry clouding ny eyes.

"I-Im fine..." He coughed. Diego continued to cough until a splatter of blood shot out staining his hand.

"Holy sh*t Diego, we have to get you an emitter now," brother commanded.

"I'm okay, I'll live," Diego assured.

I turned my head to look at his back to see that the light had grazed his back.


Blood was pouring out of his wound as I felt my body stiffen. My shaking hands stood by my side.

Diego gazed at me, "what's wrong?"


His eyes flicked until they closed completely, falling into brother.



Cliffhanger :)

i wonder who Diego is 🤔🤔

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