Hope, love, death. Part 1

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A heavenly peace spread through the house.While I nestled in my father's arms.I laid my head on his chest, and stroked his cheek with my right hand, he felt so warm.For the first time in years we were both happy, he wasn't yelling at me anymore, he wasn't sending me to my room anymore, and he wasn't scolding me anymore, he was just lying there quietly.Just like the night 22 years ago when we first did it together, I was too young then and couldn't really enjoy it, but that night I enjoyed every second of our togetherness.I kept nestling my head against his chest and letting a little of his blood that came from the wound from his chest run into my mouth, it tasted so sweet and passionate.Like a strawberry dipped in liquid chocolate.All the while, all I could hear was the ticking of the clock on the wall, which seemed strange to me because I felt like it was stopping.Suddenly, a noise at the front door disturbed our familiar togetherness.I tried to ignore the shouting that seemed to come from police officers until they decided to break down the door.Not again, I thought.I had just given this strange street whore a run for her money, yes, I had to chuckle when that thought occurred to me.Which I thought was only fair, because she was also trying to turn my father's head.Even if we had different approaches.She and her worthless body now lay motionless in the hallway.The policemen were approaching slowly but steadily.Both with guns drawn and fear in their eyes, one more than the other."Damn Kirin, watch out!""It's okay, Miss Klammer," said the second policeman, who went by the name of Kirin, grabbing me by the shoulder, "no matter what happens here, I'm sure we can find a solution, but first I have to ask you to let go of this man."What kind of solution? It was all perfect, wasn't it?I just turned away, all that mattered to me was that my father and I were together again.Suddenly one of the policemen grabbed me, I screamed at my father, "Dad, Dad, the men want to hurt me!". But he didn't move!"Miss. Klammer, please stop, we just want to help you!"I was getting more and more panicked, "Papa, why aren't you doing anything?"Damn it, let go of me, you fucking sons of bitches, or I'll bite your testicles off and shove them down your throat!""Okay," I heard one of the cops yell, "have it your way?"The policemen pushed me to the ground and tied me up.At this point I could not have guessed that handcuffs would be the least of my problems."Miss Klammer, you are hereby arrested on suspicion of murder, you have the right to an attorney, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."The policeman's words paled in the face of the realization that overcame me.My father's head tilted in my direction where I lay.His eyes were as cold as the ground on which I was pressed.His skin was as pale as the snow on the streets.Tears came to my eyes!My father, he couldn't be dead, could he?What was I supposed to do now?He was all I had!"Get up!"The cops led me away, they put me in their patrol car, smart-asses were all around us, attracted to the noise like moths to the light."Where are they taking me now?", I asked in a broken voice.'We're taking you to the police station, where you'll be questioned, and then you'll be taken into custody and brought before the judge tomorrow."And my father, can he come and get me then?"The policeman looked at me in disbelief for a few seconds."Well, Mam, I think it's better if you don't say anything for now."Suddenly I felt sick and threw up."Holy shit, did that crazy woman just throw up all over our car?!""God damn it, Mikhael, shut up."What had that piece of shit just called me?I felt a never-ending rage come over me, just like the moment my father and I were on the floor together."Say that again, you little shit!" it blurted out of me."Okay, that's enough." I heard this idiot say.He stopped."Calm down, Mikhael.""Oh, don't worry, I just want to call the police station.She's completely sick, it would be better to take her to the Saarne Institute right away."The two of them were so busy arguing about where to take me that they didn't notice how I managed to free myself from the shackles - in that one moment my unusually thin wrists came to my rescue.And for both of them this night ended differently than they had expected.

Hope, love, death, a story about Leena Klammer.Where stories live. Discover now