5| locked doors

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after eddie dragged y/n away from the basketball team she was trying to argue with him.

eddie: "maybe instead of arguing with me you should be thanking me for saving your ass"
y/n: "i don't need your fucking protection, i was handling it!"
eddie: "mhm yeah you were handling it, is that why your drenched in milk huh"
y/n: "just shut up honestly i didn't need your help"

eddie grabbed y/n and dragged her into the storage closet.

y/n: "what the fuck are you doing munson"
eddie: "don't need everyone listening to us arguing"

the door locked.

y/n: "did the door just lock"

she started to shake the door harder and faster, she started panicking, she was claustrophobic and hated small spaces.

y/n: "this is all your fault now we're stuck here"

she couldn't breathe she curled up in the corner not knowing what to do, panic filled her body and she started shaking.

eddie stood there in guilt, what had he done. he didn't mean to her hurt, he didn't know that the door would lock.

he sat down next to her trying to calm her down as best as he could.

he kissed her. they just sat there for a while, their lips attached to one another.

after a minute eddie pulled back.

y/n: "what-"
eddie: "im sorry, i just saw somewhere that when someone is having a panic attack that kissing stops there breathing and then they can focus on it more or something i didn't mean to-"

y/n grabbed his face and kissed him again, eddie sat there in shock.

y/n: "thank you"

he grabbed her again kissing her, more passionate and deeper than before just sinking into each other's embrace.

eddie pulls y/n on top of his lap her legs either side of him her hands in her hair and his on her waist.

her shirt is slightly lifted when pressed against his chest, she can feel his cold rings on her waist she jumped at the touch.

eddie: "you like it when i touch you amore?"

slight moans escape her lips, his tongue slips into her mouth as they continue to make out of the floor.

her hands slip under his shirt, tracing his abs as they circle his chest.

they stop.

y/n gets off his lap, eddie sat there.

what where they doing, they were enemies, this wasn't supposed to happen, it just didn't make sense.

they both stood up.

eddie: "uhh that didn't happen"
y/n: "yeh that was a mistake"
eddie: "no one has to know"
y/n: "it's like it didn't happen"

they awkwardly stood there for a few seconds, that's when the bell went for 6th period, they had been stuck in there all of lunch and 5th period.

they started banging on the door hoping someone would hear them so they could unlock the door.

luckily someone did hear them and finally unlocked the door and they were let out.

they stumbled out finally in the light and fresh air.

eddie: "well um cya"
y/n: "yep uhh bye"

they both awkwardly walked in opposite directions off to their next classes.

everything was normal, except it wasn't.

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