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ᴍᴏɴᴛɢᴏᴍᴇʀʏ, ᴀʟᴀʙᴀᴍᴀ

"get your fucking hands off me Nate" I said tryna pull my arm away from him

"You not going no fucking where" Nate said holding tighter on her arm

I had been in a on and off relationship wit Nate. He was my first love, best friend, and he took my virginity. Which made me feel obligated to stay wit him. We also had a son together, which he was only 4 months at this time. And I wanted my so to have his father.

But the way he treated me was unexceptionable. Especially because he knew I had no where to go. I live wit him my whole world revolved around him. We had moved away together too Alabama right after high school. I thought it was right at the time but it wasn't.

"where you gon go, yo daddy don't even want you around dirty lil bitch" Nate said making tears roll down my face

He sure knew how to push my buttons, and make me feel like shit.

I snatched my arm back, and started walking toward the room we shared, I started packing clothes very fastly. I was tired of all the shit he had did to me. You don't even know how much I had put up wit him.

"fuck you going" Nate said grabbing my neck

"Move-bitch" Nate said cutting me off

He started holding tighter on my neck, choking me at this point. I couldn't breath. I could literally feel my eyes rolling in the back of my head.

"na-na-nate I can't breath" I said grabbing his wrist

I heard my son Treyvon start crying which made me cry even more.

He let go pushing me back, making me fall on the nightstand we had beside our bed.

"you can't leave me bitch, I'm all you have" he said walking out the room
time jump...

I was now laying down in the bed, just thinking about what had happened. Which it had been about three hours since.

I heard the door open, which made me turn around and I looked to see Nate walking in with flowers in one hand and a jewelry box in the other.

I stared at him as he smiled at me. I turned back around facing the wall not paying him any attention. He sat the the flowers and whatever was in the jewelry box down on the bed. And he left the room.

I got up and looked at the bag I had halfway packed when me and him was getting into it. Tears started coming down my face I thought about it.


later that night..

I was breastfeeding treyvon, I was feeding him later than usual. It was currently 10:00 and I was just waiting for Nate to go to sleep. So I could get my things and go.

I had brought everything in Trayvon's room, including the bag I had packed earlier. And I had packed him a bag earlier when Nate wasn't paying attention.

"y'all good" Nate said peaking his head through the door. I did a lil fake smile and nod.

"I'll see you in the room, I want some if that tonight" Nate said looking me up and down and I did another fake smile

When he finally closed the door I sighed cause damn how many fake smiles I gotta do for you to leave my god.

I looked down at treyvon, looking at him with a little smile on his face. A actual smile came across my face. I was doing all this for him. I knew I couldn't be in this situation wit him, because he was the most important thing in my life right now. And if I'm not happy I don't think that will make him happy either.

Once I stopped breastfeeding von, I put him in his crib. I stepped out of his room and tiptoed back into my room and seen Nate layed out on the bed, he was completely sleep snoring and all.

I quickly ran back into treyvon's room, I picked up the bags I had, placed them around my shoulder and one behind my back. I then picked up treyvon carefully. Then I walked out his room, I grabbed my keys. Running out the house. I quickly and carefully put treyvon in his car seat. I threw my bags in the car, not caring if they went in there or not.

I then cranked the car up. Just as I did that I saw Nate coming out the house yelling, I couldn't tell what he was saying but I could tell he wasn't happy.

I drove off not looking at Nate who was now yelling at me in the window. I had tears coming down my face as I drove.


𝐌𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑.Where stories live. Discover now