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Carlo bring in the boxes into his penthouse wit tremain helping behind him.

"Break my shit ima and see what happen" ya'vani said to camden who was putting up the glasses in the kitchen

"Girl I ain't treyvon chill out" camden said mugging her, which made her stick up her middle finger.

"Ouu mommy my room is much bigger now" treyvon said jumping up and down

"I know stinka" she looked down and smiled at him

Then carlo and tremain walked in with the last boxes of ya'vani and treyvons things.

After all that shit with Nate had went down, carlo and ya'vani decided that maybe she should move in with carlo so that's what she did.

"Damn how much do y'all need" tremain said huffing and puffing. He was tired from bringing all the boxes in.

"Oh husshhhh" kati said waving tremain off

"Girl I could've swore you thought that moving in with carlo was a big step" malia said looking at ya'vani

"Damn really" carlo said walking over to ya'vani

"Uhh I didn't say that" ya'vani said mugging malia

"Oops my bad" malia laughed

Carlo grabbed ya'vani and hugged her. He just sat there holding her in his arms."whattt" ya'vani smiled looking up at him

"Nun I just wanna love on you" carlo said before he gave her a wet sloppy kiss

"Daddy stop being weird" treyvon said looking at him kissing ya'vani

"Mmcht yeahhh alright" carlo said getting up to tickle treyvon

As they finished setting up the house. Everyone left and it was just now carlo, treyvon, and ya'vani.

"Alright time for bed stinka" ya'vani said picking up treyvon and taking him to his room

"Hey momma" treyvon said as ya'vani tucked him in

"Yea stinka" ya'vani replied

"How much do you love me?" Treyvon asked and ya'vani smiled at him

"I love you a lot von. So much that I don't know what I would do without you" ya'vani said

"Do you love me this much" treyvon made his hands into a little box

"No this much" ya'vani said making her arms into a huge bubble

"I love you too momma" treyvon said and he chucked a little bit

"Now get some sleep stinka" ya'vani said walking over to the door in the room

"Goodnight momma" treyvon said as he turned in the bed

"Goodnight" ya'vani whispered as she walked out the room and closed the door


Ya'vani walked into the bedroom she now shared with carlo. Carlo was sleep snoring and everything. She laughed and looked at him because she always thought he looked so cute when he was sleep.

She went into the bathroom and started taking her shower. She let the water run over her face and her body, as she sat in the shower all she could think about was that she was finally free. This whole week ya'vani has been the happiest she's ever been.

And it was because she didn't have to think about Nate coming and finding her anymore. She did have bad thoughts about whaat happened that night but overall she felt free. And she also felt free that she knew treyvon was safe.

She got out the shower and slipped on her bed clothes. After she did all that she just cleaned up and organized the house exactly to her liking. Then finally she went and got in her new bed with carlo.

She turned in the bed and just layed there. She felt carlo turn in the bed facing her. He wrapped his arms and legs around her whole body and she wrapped her self around him as well.

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