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Carlo walked in the house and threw his keys down. He smelled the smell of grilled cheese which was about the only thing ya'vani would cook treyvon.

"Hey dad" treyvon said as he ate his grilled cheese

"hey" carlo kisses treyvon on his cheek

As he walked into the kitchen he saw ya'vani in there on her phone, but she was on a FaceTime call.

"yeah but ima call you back malia" ya'vani said as she hung up the call

"They stole my money"'carlo mumbled but loud enough for ya'vani to here

"Huh" ya'vani put her phone down on the kitchen counter

"All that money it's gone"carlo shook his head as he leaned on the counter

"You talking bout that money you keep in that drawer" ya'vani raised her eyebrow and carlo nodded

"What did I tell you carlo." Ya'vani put her head back and shook her head as she just looked at him

"to bring the money home" carlo mumbled

"huh I can't hear you" ya'vani said while she mushed Carlos head

"Mmcht" carlo walked off into there bedroom, he had already felt bad and he was wondering who could've betrayed him, and ya'vani wasn't making him feel any better.

"Come on stink" ya'vani said as she grabbed treyvons hand so she could put him to sleep.

After ya'vani put treyvon to bed, she walked into the bedroom to see carlo sitting on the edge of the bed with his leg shaking.

she could tell he was mad, and she knew it was because of what she said in the kitchen, but then too she did tell him what to do and he didn't listen.

"Instead of being mad at what I said, you need to figure out who took yo shit" ya'vani said taking out her earrings and placing them on the dresser

"Mmcht you don't think that's what I'm tryna do" carlo said turning his head back to look at her

"You sitting over there pouting and gon Change shit I know that" ya'vani walked in the bathroom they had in there room

"Why you always gotta do that shit" carlo mugged her

"Nigga do what" ya'vani said brushing her hair as she looked in the bathroom mirror

"damn I come home all I needed from you was to comfort me. I'm already feeling bad about it all I needed was for you to be there" carlo said shaking his leg faster and faster

"I'm there for you all the time carlo, but right now that's not whatchu need." Ya'vani said

"How you gon tell me what the fuck I need"'carlo yelled slightly

"why are you yelling at me" ya'vani frowned as she continued to look at him but he wouldn't make eye contact with her

"cause you acting real dumb and selfish right now" carlo said standing up off the bed

"Carlo- nah it's good you got it" carlo grabbed his jacket and walked out the room

He walked in treyvons room before he left, And kissed him on his cheek.

"Love you" carlo said as he then left the house


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