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"Dad" carlo said as he pounded on the door of tremains apartment. Tremain open the door while he rubbed his eyes

He stepped aside as carlo came inside the apartment. "whatchu doing here son" tremain asked as carlo paced

"Had an argument wit ya'vani" carlo mumbled. it was about 2 in the morning at this point

"Oh.." tremain laughed

"fuck are you laughing for" carlo mugged him

"nigga ion know who you think you is, but don't come in here talking out yo ass" tremain walked in the kitchen and carlo followed

"Whats funny" carlo asked

"Cause you over here when you need to be over there fixing shit wit her" tremain yawned as he opened the fridge

"Mmcht youn even know the full story." Carlo mumbled

"well you over here so I'm guessing you bout to tell me" tremain laughed

"Somebody stole my money" carlo mumbled with his head down. He already knew his dad wasn't bout to be happy.

"Nigga what" tremain jerked his head back

"you and that damn drawer" tremian shook his head, he had always told his son not to keep the money there, but Carlos never listened he thought it was a safe place.

He never really told anybody about the money being in there anyway, tremain only knew because he got him some money out of there to bail him out one time.

And Carlos knew that his dad would never take from him, and tremain didn't want anything from him and if he did he would just ask.

"I told you not to keep that shit in there" tremain said closing the fridge

"mmcht I get it damn,  I'm tired of hearing that dumb ass shit" carlo said leaning on the counter

"I take it ya'vani said the same thing" tremain said and carlo slowly nodded

"And I know you ain't mad at her" tremain said squinting at carlo

"I'm yo son dad, not ya'vani" carlo said as he mugged him

"The girl right though" tremain said and carlo did a mental eye roll

"how many people knew about the drawer?" Tremain asked as he walked in the living room with carlo behind him

"just you and ya'vani" carlo mumbled

"you think she- no" carlo cut him off

"Did you?- now you know" tremain cut him off laughing

"Just making sure"carlo nodded

"What about that jamal nigga" tremain said looking at him.

"why you thinks it's jamal" carlo asked

"Ion know something just off about the nigga, he move weird" tremain said stroking his beard

"Mmcht jamal ain't bold enough to pull some shit like that all by his self " carlo raised his eyebrow

"Who said he did it by his self" tremain sat in the single chair beside the couch

"But who" they both turned and looked at each other

Ya'vani woke up and rolled over in bed she felt the empty bed. She got up and walked in the living room thinking maybe he came home and just slept on the couch.

But she looked and the couch was empty, she rolled her eyes and headed towards treyvons room.

"stinka" ya'vani said as she entered treyvons room. Treyvon was sitting on his bed watching those kid shows on YouTube and eating chips.

"Now how did you- hey mommy" treyvon cut ya'vani off as he seen her enter the room

"how did you get the chips, I put them in the cabinet" ya'vani said as she took the chips and rolled the bag up

"I climbed on the counter" treyvon mumbled

"Treyvon now you know not to do that" ya'vani said

"But I was hungry and you wasn't awake yet" treyvon said as he frowned

"you want some French toast" ya'vani asked and a smile came across treyvons face as he nodded very fastly

After ya'vani got done cooking the French toast she just layed it out for treyvon and he started eating it. She just sat on the barstool beside him on her phone.

She heard the front door close, she rolled her eyes knowing it was carlo.

"Daddy!!" Treyvon yelled as carlo came in the kitchen

"hey booka" carlo said

"Look mommy made me French toast" treyvon said eating

"Yea I see that" carlo said stealing a piece of his French toast and treyvon just laughed

Ya'vani walked out the kitchen into her room and carlo sighed cause he already knew she was mad.

"Here watch yo shows" carlo said handing treyvon his iPad. Treyvon took the iPad from him and carlo walked back into the bedroom were ya'vani was.

He walked into the room not seeing her until he walked into the bathroom.

He stood at the bathroom door for a minute as she started straightening her hair. They just sat in silence until carlo broke it

"You was right. Im sorry" carlo said and he got a little irritated as he heard those words coming out his mouth. He never really liked to be wrong, and he always thought that he was right, which was causing all the problems in his life.

"Mhm" ya'vani mumbled and continued to strengthen her hair looking in the mirror

"You not gon accept my apology" carlo said and she just nodded

Y'all bout to be real mad at me 😛

Anyways.. how y'all like the chapter

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