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"mommy!" Treyvon came running in ya'vanis room who was doing her hair.

"yes baby" ya'vani said doing her edges

"whatchu doing" treyvon asked and ya'vani laughed

"you can't just come running here like that I thought something was wrong" ya'vani said shaking her head

"sorry momma. Anyways.." Treyvon said as he nodded

"just doing my hair stinka" ya'vani answered

"Well-" treyvon was cut off as he seen carlo come out the bathroom they had in their room

"daddy you stink" treyvon said holding his nose

"Oh word" carlo said and treyvon nodded. Then carlo picked treyvon and started tickling him.

"Dada stop" treyvon laughed and ya'vani just looked at them

Carlo then put treyvon down and went inside there closet so he could put his shoes on

"where you going" ya'vani asked poking her bottom lip out

"I gotta go to work" carlo said rubbing her big belly

"noooo" treyvon whined

"ima be back tonight I promise" carlo said intertwining pinky's with treyvon

"Promise" treyvon munbled

"bye baby" carlo said kissing ya'vani while rubbing her belly

"bye lil nigga" carlo bended down as he talked to her belly and ya'vani pulled his ear

"stop talking to my child like that" ya'vani said as she let go of his ear

"mhm" carlo laughed, he then put on his jacket on and walked out the front door.

Carlo walked into the trap and just looked and made sure everything was working like how they was supposed to.

He went back in his lil office after that. Of course he had to make sure his money was there cause he had put extra in the drawer last week so he was just coming to get it.

He threw his phone and keys down on the desk and then went to the back of the desk and opened his drawer, carlo looked at the empty jar confused. He bended down to make sure he wasn't tripping.

He looked and looked in the office tearing the office up he couldn't find his money. Carlo walked out the office into to the main area of the trap.

"Where the fuck is money" carlo let of two gunshots in the air

"nigga what" one of Carlos workers Trey asked

"The fuck is my money" carlo looked around getting irritated

"nigga we don't know" shayla another worker said

"Somebody better figure that shit or ima kill all y'all how bout that"carlo said fake smiling

"you didn't think we wrong" jamal asked camden as they looked at the stolen money on camdens bed

"nigga fuck carlo" camden said mugging jamal

" I know but still that is our friend" jamal said pacing in the room

"You making my fucking head hurt chill out" camden said

"fuck this not gon end good" jamal said shaking his head

"Nigga calm down. Nate couldn't finish the fucking job so we doing it." Camden said wit a smirk

Nate drunk the crown royal getting drunker. He looked as the tv as he kinda faded in and out.

He heard a knock at the door making him laugh and get up and answer the door. He saw two men at the door and he mugged them as they made there way into his house

"who the fuck are you" Nate said closing the door as he looked at them

"nigga drunk as fuck" jamal mumbled

"don't worry bout me. Who the fuck are y'all" Nate said slurring his words

"Mmcht we really gon have to knock this Nigga out huh" camden said mumbling

"huh-" nate was cut off as cameden hit him in the head wit his gun making Nate fall on the floor knocking out

about thirty minutes later...

"Yo bro wake up" camden said slapping Nate in the face. Nate slowly woke up as he leaned up off the couch

"why- nigga look we know where yo baby momma at" camden cut off Nate and Nate looked at him and laughed

"where she at" Nate asked standing up

"Atlanta ga" camden said playing wit his beard

"and she got a nigga" jamal added

"around my son" Nate asked pacing and jamal nodded

"Fucking bitch" Nate said loudly as he threw grabbed the lamp off a nightstand and threw it

Camden and jamal had came over here to ask him to do something to ruin ya'vanis and carlo life but Nate seemed mad enough so they didn't even tell him.

"you good bro" jamal asked looking at Nate get redder

"how do y'all even know her" Nate turned looking at them

"the nigga she wit, well it's my homeboy his cousin-" jamal was cut off by camden hitting him in the mouth

"Oh I see" Nate laughed

"Say less looks like I'm going to Atlanta" Nate said wit a smirk

Carlo paced in the office tryna figure out who could have took his money. He was really just made because any of these niggas could have asked carlo to give it to them but nah they decided to steal from him.

He couldn't think of anyone who really steal from him, a lot of the niggas he hung around he trusted and it wasn't many of them so he didn't know who could've did this.

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