Chapter 18

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(2000: June 15)

"What do you mean we have to visit the Guptas?!" Anjali Jha asked.

She had been having a rather quite and stress free life ever since Akash had called it quits on his relationship with Payal. Yes, it had pricked her to remember and repeat the horrible situation under which she had moved to Delhi, but she figured it was better Akash knew the story and then make a call, like Arnav had once. Today, after years of peace, it seemed Akash had suddenly let go of the past.

Yes, she had expected him to at some point, but she had not expected him to be back to square one. She had expected him to find someone else to fall in love with after five damn years. But that's the thing about expectations. Not everyone can live up to it. Wasn't Garima Ma, she cringed that she still called her that, a living example of it?

"I mean, we have to visit them. How else do you expect us to finalize my Akash bitwa's marriage?"

Anjali pushed her dinner plate aside. "When did you even talk about it? This is the first I'm hearing of it." Or maybe the last, just like five years ago. Was she even family? Why did they insist her being in their house still, eight years into her child-less marriage, if she wasn't worth even including in the discussion of a decision?

"What's there to talk about, Di? It's not like I met her yesterday."

Anjali looked at him, incredulity painting her face. "You have met her earlier, yes. You know her and her family. That is exactly my point, Akash. There is a lot to talk about."

"Any and all talking was done years ago. We all said our piece, didn't we, Papa?" Akash turned to his father.

"We did, yes. So, tomorrow, we get the shagun done." Again, Anjali couldn't hide the incredulity at the words her Mamaji spoke.

"Does Chhote know?" Anjali sought out her last resort, the only person in this household who was on her page about the matter.

She remembered quite vividly being in the same situation, five years ago. She had heard a name and been told all positive things about Payal Sharma. Only when she had been sitting in Payal's house and Garima Ma had appeared from the kitchen had Anjali known who Payal Sharma was. She had repeatedly told herself that Arnav couldn't possibly know of this. She had asked her Mamaji, later that day about how he could be in the same room as her mother's sinner. Mahendra Singh Raizada had but one reason: Akash.

He had told her that Akash loved Payal, and that was above anything that had happened in the past. So, she had never said anything through nearly a year of their unofficial engagement. Maybe Mamaji was right. Why should Akash's life be burdened like hers and Chhote's inevitably was. And yet, a little than a month before the official engagement, an upset, angry and disappointed Akash had asked her if Arnav spoke the truth. Her heart broke to break his, too.

When Akash had broken things off, she told herself it was for the best. Better sooner than later, better a break up than a divorce. Akash clearly wasn't in love if he couldn't move past it. Akash clearly never cared that much. The same Akash now spoke so nonchalantly, so confidently, so comfortably about his decision that Anjali was lost as to why he changed his decision. Did he love her, really?

And why did Arnav not make a fuss, like he did five years ago within a week of coming home?!

"Shyamji, please say something."

"Saale-sahab doesn't know, yet."

"Well, he needs to!"

"I wasn't aware, Rani Sahiba, that Arnav wanted to marry Payal, too."

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