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Deep within the woods of vale inside the emerald forest, a certain blonde boy sat by a tree. Jaune was badly wounded, covered with scratches and bite marks on his body, he held on to his wound located on the side of his abdomen gasping for air.

"huff~huff~huff~...Guess this is it... for... me," he said. "expelled by my institute...disowned by my family... and even betrayed by my friends"

He pressed down on the wound not letting the blood gush out, he took deep breaths to stop the wound from gushing out.

"If there is an afterlife... I won't hold any regrets nor... harbor any ... doubt to this world rather...I wish I can make myself better" he said, then he released his hand from the wound and let the blood spill on the ground hoping he would die.

"don't give in" a voice said.

He opened his eyes and saw a bright light shined over him, he was covered by the light and thought he was going to the afterlife. As the light died down he saw that he was inside a castle with gears and cogs around him moving and ticking sounds echoing throughout the place.

"I see our champion has arrived," said a girl's voice.

"but it seems he's wounded badly," said a man's voice.

"guess his world hasn't changed at all," said another man's voice. "I think Ozpin hasn't changed the outcome"

"must you judge the choices that Ozpin made," said another man's voice.

The girl rushed to Jaune and waved her hand and a blue smoke covered him and healed all his wounds.

"can you hear me?" she asked.

Jaune looked at the girl that had saved him. She had blonde hair with green eyes and she was wearing a caged dress with blue-green gold and white color.

He slowly sat up and saw three beings one was on a screen made of light, the man was a tall muscular man whose skin was dark and had markings on his face and arms, his eyes were red and his hair was gray-white as if he hadn't aged

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He slowly sat up and saw three beings one was on a screen made of light, the man was a tall muscular man whose skin was dark and had markings on his face and arms, his eyes were red and his hair was gray-white as if he hadn't aged. He was skin bare on the torso and he wore a hakama with a Japanese design and held a giant broad sword. The two beings with the lady were glowing beings with no eyes nor face, but they had horns; one glowed a golden yellow and had deer horns while the other one glowed purple with ram horns on his head.

 The two beings with the lady were glowing beings with no eyes nor face, but they had horns; one glowed a golden yellow and had deer horns while the other one glowed purple with ram horns on his head

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