Chapter 4

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In the farthest forest of Vale, a few champions ran through the woods at top speed, a few flew over the trees while the others had to run using their magic just to catch up. After the group heard chatter from Jaune's Device that a white fang are going to invade a small village, they had to hurry and help the people. As they reached they saw many Faunus people burning villages and lining up the humans as they readied a firing line.

"They're getting the people to be executed," Terra said.

"Then we need to stop them," Warrior of light said.

"We need to separate the villagers and place them in a safe place" Cecil said.

"You humans shall taste the might and fury of the White fang!" said a commander. "Take aim..."

"NO PLEASE NO!!!!" the villagers pleaded.

"And..." the commander said.


Then the hand of the commander then fell by the Faunus line who saw that, Jaune used his Katana to slice the head of the commander.

"Aghhhhh!!!!!" he screamed.

"I suggest you surrender, it's the wisest option," he said.

"KILL HIM!" said the commander.

Then every Faunus pointed their guns at the champion only for them to be paralyzed by Y'shotla, and Terra. When a few faunus saw Y'shtola, they couldn't believe their eyes.

"Traitor! Why do you side with the humans!" said one member.

"You must be surely mistaken," she said. "I am not of your kin nor do i side your actions in wreaking havoc among the innocence of the villagers"

Zidane then jumped down from the tree and looked at them.

"Down in two seconds," he said. "But i expected a heavy calvary"

Then a truck filled with White fang Grunts then came out.

"You just had to say it," Jaune said.

Zidane looked at Jaune with a smiling face but with a hint of embarrassment.

Then as the group approached the rest jumped out and went on a full-out fight. The villagers evacuated with the help of Terra and Cecil, Jaune grabbed 'Divine requiem' and still held his 'Moon shadow' in both of his hands.

"Thundga, Firaga," he said, then both of his swords then emitted a blazing effect and a lightning effect on the blades.

Then he charged right at them and delivered slashes at them sending a number of the flying and a few knocked back, Warrior of light joined in and supported Jaune from behind, giving both defensive attacks and offensive attacks to the Grunts. As they continued on, Firion then jumped from the tree and pulled his bow, and shot numerous arrows at the Grunts pinning them down. As he landed, he kicked and swiped the grunts knocking them to the ground.

"Nice!" Jaune said.

"Don't thank me yet!" Cecil said, then he gathered up some magic and raised his hands. "Come to me! Shiva, and Freeze them with your Icy Breath"

Then a light then shined upon the skies and a magic circle appeared and a magic circle then opened from above. The ground then started to get ice around the White fang, then from the skies came down a giant lady with a unique attire with her frosty blue skin and a crystal ice ball.

 The ground then started to get ice around the White fang, then from the skies came down a giant lady with a unique attire with her frosty blue skin and a crystal ice ball

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