Chapter 2

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Beacon Academy, moments ago

It has been 2years since Jaune's disappearance, And professor Ozpin held every student that tormented Jaune responsible for his disappearance and punished everyone. Some people hated the punishment since some of them didn't do anything but the others, were guilty and had to pay the price for their actions, especially Team RWBY and NPR since they were the main suspects in the incident. The team was suspended for 2 weeks and had to do community service for their actions, Ruby who was just lying in bed regretting pushing Jaune away, Yang, and even Nora had to go through anger management class for their unruly action for almost killing Jaune.

"This is not how I would want our day to go," Ruby said.

"well that's what we get when we bullied Jaune," Yang said. "it's our fault, to begin with, we stood on the sidelines when he got bullied and let him take the fall"

"how about you, Yang," Ruby said. "you almost beat him to death and was sent to have 2 weeks of Anger management class"

"well, I regret that everyday sis," she said.

"well you should be," Ruby said angered. "he was my only friend and now he's gone for how long Oum knows what and his family are now coming here"

Weiss and Blake came into the room bearing sad news.

"Jaune's parents are here," Blake said.

"and the mom looks furious," Weiss said. "it's a matter of time when Ozpin calls us for"

Then a large vibration shook the ground and they almost tripped over.

"what the hell?!" Yang exclaimed. "what was that?"

Ozpin's office

The Arc family sat in front of Ozpin, Johana Arc the mother of Jaune looked all angry and annoyed by the fact that Jaune's father; Nolan Arc kicked him out of the family and house.

"Mr. and Mrs. Arc I understand your frustration about what happened to your son," He said.

"YA THINK?!" Johana said. "when I found out this dipshit had just kicked my son out of our house I had to knock some sense in him"

Ozpin gulped from the thought of her punishing her husband.

"I-I U-Understand that Miss Arc, on behalf of the school I just want to deeply apologize for the outcome of your son"

"well what matters now is that we get our son back," Johana said.

"and I hear James is here in vale -"

Then the vibration came shaking the tower, Miss Glynda rushed to the room.

"what's happening?!"Johana asked.

"the shaking is being caused in the forest," Glynda said.

"Glynda has few teams inspect the forest, and report back to me" he ordered.

In the towns of Vale after their Arrival

Jaune and the rest of the champions roamed around the town, but they had gone their separate ways where the girls went to clothes shop, some of the boys went to food stalls where they grew very hungry, as for Jaune, Cloud, Noctis and some others were walking with him around the town.

"This place is unique," Noctis said. "it's like my homeworld, like the time where I and my friends went to the kingdom where my wife was"

Jaune looked at Noctis smiling.

"well since I managed to save you and your wife from death it's only time she can help us in some diplomatic matter," Jaune said.

As they walked down they noticed many papers were posted and showed missing titles on them. Cloud ripped on from the wall and showed it to Jaune.