Chapter 8

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After the dance incident, Ozpin, Glynda, and Ironwood were in his office contemplating the sudden situation they had witnessed.

"They were here...They were here, Ozpin," he said.

"Yes we know thank you for enlightening us," Glynda assured.

"Oh now you know," he said. "So are we going to do something about this or not?"

Ozpin who was clouded by the choices was given, then sighed.

"Please let us not argue over a trivial matter," he said.

"Trivial," Ironwood argued. "How did one person manage to infiltrate the CCT tower and get away without being apprehended, i don't think that's trivial"

"We know they're here but we had every security measures" Glynda said. "That's one fact we know, but the other fact is...where are they hiding?"

The three were deep in thought, until the elevator then ringed and opened showing to be Team RWBY, and NPR in the office.

"Team RWBY and NPR, glad of you to join us," he said. "As we are preparing for the other students to join in their first shadow hunt, I have a special task for all of you,"

"What ever it is we shall do it," Pyrrha said, enthusiastically.

"This maybe a bit challenging for all of you," Glynda said. "After what we have witnessed."

"What is it?" Ruby asked.

"We want you to go to Arcadia Union," Ozpin said. "Towards their Council to discuss on the matter we are dealing with"

The group caught of guard, visit the kingdom where Jaune is now placed.

"And as for Team NPR," Ozpin said. "I have already chosen a suitable member for your team,"

Then from the elevator then came out a blonde girl, with fair skin and blue eyes similar to a certain blonde.

Then from the elevator then came out a blonde girl, with fair skin and blue eyes similar to a certain blonde

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"This is June Arc," Ozpin said. "And she will be your new teammate"

She greeted them and kept silent.

"I need all of you to implore the council to have them join the mock huntsman missions" he said.

"We'll try," they said.

Then as the group left, Ozpin looked out the window and saw his school.

"I am playing a losing game," he muttered.

In Arcadia union...

Jaune was going over some papers with the other champions preparing the Festival on their terms due to the Dance incident of bad safety measures. The council had to agree that the Vytal festival had to be placed in a safe place, so they accepted the Arcadia Union's choice to host it. But to them it was another plan, since they knew that Salem was using pawns for her own game, they decided to make their own game...on their own turf. As they were in the middle of planning the festival, a butler came in bearing news.