Chapter 6

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In the castle, the champions were comparing notes from what they got and what they had attained. After new information they got from the Information GUild they compared notes that they already had eyes and ears around the kingdoms. They would probably know about the new kingdom, Jaune had to think hard about his plans for the safety of the Union, he had already told the citizens about Salem and her powers. Jaune explained about the dome protecting them is to make them safe, but the people rallied and joined the Kingsglaive and Soldier to help out in the fight. Knowing the burden of the people joining them caused the champions to feel responsible for their choices.

As the group then discussed more and more about the matter, a butler entered the room.

"I'm sorry dear Champions but i have a letter with me," he said.

"A letter sent for us... how peculiar, if it's the four kingdoms, it's clearly their maneuver," Shantotto said

Cecil took the letter and saw the four kingdoms' insignia.

"It is," He said.

He then opened and read it for his friends.

Dearest People of the new kingdom,

We mean you no harm. We are with the Council of the four kingdoms, and we offer you an opportunity to welcome the good people of your kingdom to us with open arms. We wish to speak with you as soon as possible and discuss means of negotiations as we come together as friends and allies.

We hope for your reply as soon as possible...

Sincerely, The council of the Four Kingdoms.

"It's clearly a trap," Bartz said.

"I agree," Tidus said. "They wouldn't send a letter showing hospitality... they clearly want to exploit our resources or even worse, they could be working for Salem!"

The champions agreed, Jaune took the letter and read it. He looked carefully and knew it wasn't a lie.

"It's clearly not," he said. "But i agree with Tidus, we're not sure if Salem is the one really controlling the council or even the one who sent this letter"

"It's like how Ardyn controlled Teneberae to invade my kingdom before," Noctis said.

"We need to investigate closely," Lightning said. "Send word to the Information guild to get any intel on the council"

The Champions agreed and continued discussing the matter, but then Jaune looked at the paper, and raised it on a light, revealing more it to it.

"Guys, hold on," he said. "I see something"

The champions paused and looked at Jaune.

"What is it?" Onion Knight asked.

"I see a writing within the paper," he said.

"Like a secret message," Zidane said.

"Yeah," Jaune answered. "It seems to be a secret message"

Jaune then began to read the message in the paper, carefully and closely to make sure it was clear for him to read.

Dear inhabitants of the new Kingdom,

I am Prosser Ozpin, of Beacon academy. I recently learned that you have one of my students at your party and would like you to surrender him to us. This is no threat nor demand of some sort but he may be the key to a problem we are currently facing.