Alice in Wonderland

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3rd pov
Meena is running for her life in the creepy  as tense music. She keeps running but trips and drops her flash light, she tries to reach out and grab it but before she can the ground beneath her crumples and she down and deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole.
She lands in a strange cavern lit with blue fireflies and then sees and small door creak open allowing light to spill inside. She hesitates before getting on her knees and looking through it.
She sees a beautiful forest in front of her, suddenly the door starts to grow and expand making it easy for her to walk through. Then a bunny in funny clothing hopped in front of her playing a peppermint guitar then another and another. She couldn't help but follow them to the tea party.
Then flower children joined into the mix singing let's go crazy. Rosita appears from a bush in Cheshire Cat costume.
'If you don't like~ the world you're living in~ take a look around~ at least you got friends 🎶'
Meena looked on with wonder and excitement. A piano began to play and she saw Johnny in a Mad Hatter outfit.
'You see, I called my old lady~ for a friendly word~ she picked up the phone and dropped it on the floor! "Ah-ah" is all I hear🎶'
'Are we gonna let, The elevator bring us down~ Oh no let's go! Let's go crazy! Let's go nuts! Let's look for the purple banana till they put us in the truck~ Let's go🎶'
Everything was so magical and fun Meena joined right in with her vocalizing and with her words.
'We're all excited~ (all excited)  Don't know why~ (don't know why) Maybe it's 'cause~ we're all gonna die🎶'
The lights went out making their glowing skeletons shine bright only for a moment though until everything went back to happy go lucky.
'When we do~ what's it all for~ (what's it all for) You better live~ before the grim reaper comes~🎶' The tree behind transforms into the table where the tea is set 'Knocking on your door, tell me~ Are we gonna let the elevator bring us down?~ Oh no let's go!🎶 Let's go crazy~ (let go crazy) let's go nuts~ (let's go nuts) let's look for the purple banana till they put us in the truck!~ Let's go!🎶'
The door behind the audience and they turned in their seats to see what it was. It was Gunter in a caterpillar costume 'Come on, baby. Let's get nuts🎶'
As he walked down the aisle he threw candy at the people in the audience. 'Are gonna let the elevator bring us down~! Oh no Let's go! Let's go crazy~! (Let's go crazy!) Let's get nuts~! (Let's get nuts!) look for the purple banana till they put us in the truck~! Let's go! Dr. Everything'll-Be-All-Right will make everything go wrong! Let's go!🎶'
Meena started to vocalize again as a blue and white descended down covering her whole. After a few seconds she emerged wearing a blue dress, white apron and and a bow on her head.
'Yeah~~! Let's go~! 🎶'
The crowd cheered and clapped, giving a whistle here and there. Then the queen of hearts began walking to the stage with her army of playing cards.
"What's going on?" Meena asked worriedly. "No time to explain. Run away." Johnny said grabbing her arm and exiting through stage left. The kids started laughing and cheering when got on the other side of the curtain.
Sammy and Buster bumped into each other while he was running. "Oh, hey, Sammy." Buster happily "You really got those moves locked down now, hmm?" He said to Sammy. "I sure do, Mr.Moon." He said in a cute voice. He then ran back to his friends. "Yeah, look at you." Buster giggled.
"Great job, everybody. Great job." He told the gang as they walked towards him. Johnny smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Mr. Moon." He said holding his hat. "Yeah!" Gunter chimed in. "I think we pretty much nailed it." He said doing finger guns. Rosita walked over holding her hand nervously. "So, is she here?" She asked Buster. To which he nodded excitedly, the audience laughed as he motioned for them to follow him.
He opened the curtain just enough so they could see her. "There. See the dog, middle third row? He asked them. "Oh, she's younger than I imagined." Rosita said. "Yeah well, supposedly, she's the best scout in show business." Buster told them. "I can't tell if... if she's enjoying it." Meena said worriedly. "Come on, let's get a better view." He said leading then to the cat walk.
The bunnies on stage began to sing don't worry about a thing. Once the gang got up there they saw Miss Crawly up there with a telescope in hand. "And how we doing over here, Miss Crawly?" Buster asked her. They made their way to her to saw what she had down. "Oh, very good, Mr. Moon. So far, I counted nine smiles, two belly laughs and five chuckles. Uh, though the last one could've just been gas." She reported.
Everyone was smiling especially Johnny, ever since he and his friends became stars in the local theater he couldn't wait for them to go to the big leagues.
"Well, that's proof, right? She must like the show." Buster whispered happily. "Oh, my gosh. You think so?" Meena whispered back excitedly. "I hope so!" Rosita said trying to keep her voice down. "All right, now, keep up the good work. Come on, everybody, back to positions." Buster told them.
We went back on stage and the show went off without a hitch. We did our final stage bow and watched as the people got up from their seat and slowly walked out of the theater. As we were getting out of our costumes Rosita tapped me on the shoulder. "Oh, you need something Rosita?" I asked her. "Not exactly," She said with a smile on her face. 'Oh no.' I thought. "My cousin-in-law's son Arthur is available and has a preference for strong guys." She said as she lovingly pinched my cheek.
I playfully pushed her hand away. "Rosita!" I whined. "What?" She asked in true mom fashion. "I just want you to remember that a big teddy bear like you has an infinite amount of people who would love to be by your side." She said, making me blush and smile. "I should have never told any of you I was gay." I said with playful anger. Rosita laughed and walked away yelling. "You don't mean that!" And I really didn't.
I grabbed my skateboard and walked to bid everyone goodbye. "See you guys tomorrow." I said skating away to home for a well earned sleep.

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