A Crystal production

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Johnny POV
We got to a big hallway that had more then a hundred doors. Mr. Moon tried to open some of them earning a fair question from Rosita. "Where are we going now?" She whispered urgently. "I'm gonna find somewhere to change out of this stuff." He replied. Finally he found a door that was open.
We all ran inside while I carried in the case and shut the door behind us. I was taking of the suit when I heard someone singing. Mr. Moon heard it too, so we made our way to a red curtain and saw people on stage already singing beautifully.
'In the middle of the night, in my dreams, you should see the things we do. Baby, mm~🎶' They walked to the other side of the stage giving us a clear view of Mr. Crystal himself, looking angry, displeased and disappointed all at the same time.
The others came once they were in their regular clothes. "Look, it's him." Mr. Moon said  beckoning them forward. "That is the Mr.Crystal."
He growled lowly. "Garbage." He said and he hit a red button. They were out. One right after another. 9 times in a row, he disqualified all of them. I thought the roller skaters were really going to make it.
"Ok, everybody, if you can leave immediately, single file, we'd appreciate that." They all sighed in disappointment and skated off. "Thank you very much."
We all gave each other worried looks, we all had the same questions, what if we get buzzed too? What if he hates us? Did we come all this way for nothing?
"Hey. Hey. Yeah, you. Little guy, you're here for the audition?" The cat asked Mr. Moon. "Uh, yes." He said. "Yeah, yeah, yes we are." He closed the curtain and turned to us. "Guys, we're on right now."
"Now!?" We all repeated
We ran on stage. "Your name? Your name, please?" The cat asked. "Uh, it's Buster Moon from the New Moon Theater. And we're very excited to share our story with you today. Right, guys?" Mr. Crystal took his seat. "Yeah, great. Now get to it." He said, waving his hand as a way to tell us to start.
"Of course. Yes." Moon covered the mic with his hand. "Guys, just like we rehearsed." He said. We got into our poses. Miss Crawly started the music. "This is the story of an ordinary high school girl who discovers..." I jumped at the sound of the buzz. It was over.
"He wants you to stop." Miss Crawly immediately turned off the music. " 'Ordinary' and 'School'. Two words I will never be associated with." He said sternly. "Where the heck did you dig these guys up from?" He asked.
"If you could all leave quickly, we'd appreciate that. Please." The cat told us. "I need big shows, Jerry. Big ideas!" I grabbed the crate and began to walk. Then Gunter said something about Clay Calloway.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Clay Calloway? I love Clay Calloway." Mr. Moon gestured for us to come back on. "I know right? I mean, doesn't everybody?"
"Yeah. See Jerry? This is exactly the kind of big idea I'm talking about." Crystal said. "Yes sir." "So, uh. So what's the show called?" He asked. "What's it called? Uh, Gunter, you want to.. tell Mr. Crystal what it's called?" Moon asked him.
"Uh-huh. It's called, Out of This World." He said making hand gestures.
"Out of This World." Mr. Crystal repeated, letting the words roll off his tongue. "That's right. Just imagine it." Ash strummed her guitar. "A spectacular musical that takes your audience out of this world."
'I wanna run🎶.' I quickly followed her lead.
'I want to hide🎶.' Then we all sang together.
'I wanna tear down the walls~ that hold me inside🎶.'
"I love this song." Mr. Crystal said.
'I wanna reach out~ and touch the flame~ where the streets have no name~🎶.'
3rd POV
Suki walked into the room looking at her phone. "Sir, your lunch meeting with..." When she looked up she saw Buster and the gang. "Oh, my..." Was all she could say. "Not now." Crystal told her. "Moon, how did you get in here?" She asked him.
"Hey, he said not now. Psst." Jerry told her. "Yeah, I heard him. Thanks, Jerry." Suki said sarcastically. "Are you telling me you got Clay Calloway's permission to use his song?" Crystal asked Buster. "Well, what if I told you I did?" Buster retorted. "Ah. So what, you got some kind of personal connection to this guys?" He asked him.
"How else would I get it?" Buster said. He was stretching things too thin now. "Moon!" Ash scolded quietly. "Wait, if you know him, then you could get him in the show, right?" Crystal said getting close to Buster's face. Moon looked nervous before nodding. Crystal chuckled darkly.
"Oh, that'd be huge for me. Huge." He said. Suki stepped in. "Sir, I'm sorry, but seriously?" She asked him. "You think this little guy from nowhere can get Clay Calloway in the show?" She crossed her arms not believing a single word.
"Well, Suki, for your information, I'm not just a little guy from nowhere." He stated. "Consider it done, sir." He said to Mr. Crystal.
Crystal threw open the doors to waiting room. "I'll give you three weeks, Moon. Three weeks to get this show up and running, ok?"
"Yes sir. Thank you!"
As they were walking by Johnny looked to the side only to be met by familiar green eyes, eyes that belonged to a handsome guy named Ryan. Johnny blushed wildly, adverted his gaze to the ground and picked up the pace.
"Moon, do you really know Clay Calloway?" Ash asked him. "Shh. Not now." He said waving her off.
They made to the roof where a helicopter was waiting. "Jerry." "Oh! Right here, sir." He said timidly. "I want these guys to start work right away. Set 'em up with our designers, our dancers, whatever they need. And get 'em rooms at the hotel, ok? The very best suites. The whole shaboodle." He said. The sing gang was ecstatic. "Yes sir, of course." Jerry said.
"Uh, hey, one last thing." Crystal said, pointing at Buster. "Don't you ever do nothing to make me look bad. You got that?" Crystal said. "Oh, I will never let that happen, sir." Moon said.
"You better not, or I'll throw you off the roof." Crystal said to him. "Great job, everyone." Then he went into the helicopter and flew off.
"Oh, my gosh!" Rosita exclaimed. Everyone started to get into each other's words, they were so excited.
"Gunter, sci-fi musical? You're a genius!" Buster yelled. "Mama always said. 'Gunter you're not as stupid as your papa.'." He said. "No, you are not."
"Hey, Suki, no hard feelings. Huh?" Buster said to her. "You have no idea what you're getting into." She replied flatly. Ash immediately pulled Buster aside.
"Are you out of your mind?" She asked him. "What?" "Clay Calloway? I'm, like, his biggest fan, and I can tell you, the guy is a recluse. Seriously, after his wife died, no one's seen him in over 15 years." She told him.
He but his finger. "Ah. That's not good." He said. "No, it's not." Ash agreed. Buster looked around. "Miss Crawly, I need you to help me find Clay Calloway. An address, a phone number, anything. But we've got to find this guy." He told her. "Yes, sir." She said.

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