The Forbidden Dance

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"And one, two, three, four." Kickanklobber said as he whipped the handle with his stick harshly. Everyone was following the routine to perfection. "Five, six, seven and one, two..." Johnny ran into the studio skateboard in hand. "Sorry I'm late, Mr. Kickanklobber." He apologized as he put the skateboard on the floor. He tried to catch his breath. "I was practicing all morning. I just lost track of the time." He said. Kickanklobber was unimpressed. "Oh. I thought maybe you had been in a terrible accident and we we'd never have to see you again, but never mind." He said rudely. Johnny let out a sigh. "Seriously? Why do you have be so mean all the time?" Johnny said.
Ryan was listening in and couldn't help but agree, when he was a newbie Kickanklobber wasn't nearly as harsh. "Cause only when we suffer..." Kickanklobber said, then he hit a warthog on the butt. "...Can we be great." He said. "Places everyone!" He shouted. Ryan was about to get into position. "Ryan, you'll be playing his opponent in the climax scene." He said.
Ryan looked directly at Johnny, he did the same. "Now..." Kickanklobber threw a stick to Johnny. "Let's see if little Johnny has learned the steps."
They got into place as 'Dance of the Knights' began to play. Ryan gracefully went into his warrior pose as Johnny timidly went into his. They started to circle each other as the others pounded their stick to the ground in a sort of rhythm, Ryan hit Johnny gently and looked at him at him like a predator about to pounce on his prey. Johnny slight blushed at this but kept his composure.
They tried to do the jumping pose but Johnny fumbled and fell. "Whoa!" He said as he caught himself. "Are you okay?" Ryan whispered so only he could hear him. "Yeah." He whispered back. "Sorry. Sorry, sorry." Kickanklobber came up from behind and hit home on the arm. "Wrong." He said. "Sorry," Johnny said again.
"Again!" And so the did it again but Ryan did it perfectly, Johnny still struggled and fell. Kickanklobber just groaned in his face and said 'So bad.' while Ryan helped him up. "Again."
And again and again and again until it was night. Johnny started to panic and ran outside. Ryan felt horrible and ran out to find him.
I couldn't handle it anymore. I ran my hand through my hair but when I looked at it, it was shaking crazy. I can't take anymore, I hate Kickanklobber, I hate the stupid dance, I hate Red Shore City, and I hate this stupid musical. I threw my skateboard at a fire hydrant and split in two on impact. It was just then that I realized what I did, I picked up the broken pieces front the ground. I sighed to myself. "Man."
I watched Johnny walk away with his now broken board, I didn't know what to do. I wanted to run to him, hug him, tell everything would be okay but I heard Kickanklobber yelling my name and then my phone started to ring. 'Johnny needs space right now.' I thought. I looked at my phone Nooshy was the one calling. I answered. "Ry Ry? You there?" She asked. "Y-yeah I'm here. What's up?" I said. "Well I hear a hint of wary sadness in your voice so I'll ask about that later but for now dig this, tomorrow, you and I, plaza. Big crowd this weekend, we dance, get some extra money and we run before the police asked for a license." She said. I thought for a minute. "Which one?" I asked. "Oh you know, the next to the cafe that serves all foam coffee and that one skate store called tipsy or something." She said."I'm in." I said. I hung up before I had to endure Nooshy's happy yells.
As Johnny walked out of the store with his new skateboard he saw a large crowd surrounding something.
"Hot tamale, hotter than a Somali, fur coat🎶" Johnny walked over to see what it was.
In the center he saw two hyping up the crowd, the smaller one was wearing a neon green hoodie and red boots while the other was a dark red jacket and black leggings but he couldn't see the guy's face although he did look familiar.
The two started to break dance like never before, they were incredible together, making it look effortless and never clashing with one another. The lynx saw a little turtle next to her and pretended to chase it, her partner laughed and continued to dance.
After the dance was everyone began to cheer. "Thank you. Thank you so much, everyone." The Lynx said, picking up her hat from the ground. "Wow, wow. You are an amazing crowd." Her partner said. He just barely bumped into Johnny's chest. He tugged his hoodie so he couldn't see his blushing face.
"Mates, you're amazing!" Johnny praised. "Much appreciated." Nooshy said to brush him off as she collected money from the people around them. "Thank you so much for coming." Ryan said in a deeper voice trying to walk away from situation. They walked further before Johnny could say something else. "Thank you for coming. Thank you for coming." Nooshy bent down to the little turtle as he put two pieces of candy in the hat.
"Okay! Thank you very much, little guy." She said as she gave one pice to Ryan. "Wow, so kind." Before they fully disappear Johnny gently put a hand on Ryan's shoulder.
"Listen, could I buy you a coffee or, uh maybe something to eat?" Johnny asked shyly. Every critical thought in Ryan's head vanished and was replaced by the words "Date with Johnny" in big neon pink letters. "I would love that." He said without thinking. Nooshy heard this counting the money they earned and decided to intervene. She grabbed Ryan's arm and started to pull him away. "Whoa, that's forward, ain't it?" She asked him, looking at him up and down. It took him a moment to recover from what Ryan said. "What? No, no, no. I-I didn't mean..." He struggled to find the right words. "I just would love to talk to you two about maybe-." But he was cut off by a police officer.
"Hey!" You got a license to perform here?" He asked. Nooshy quietly gasped before hiding herself with her hoodie too.
"Actually, we'd love to chat. Let's go."
(Cut to the retro diner)
While "There's Nothing Holding Me Back" plays over head. Ryan now without his hoodie, Johnny and Nooshy were all sitting in a booth. A waitress came over and put a sugary monstrosity in front of them. "Here you go. One volcano milkshake with extra chocolate lava." She said.
"Shut up." Nooshy said immediately pulling it towards her and taking a sip.
"I had no idea you could break dance like that. I always saw you as a graceful and elegant ballet dancer." Johnny said still mind blown from what he saw. Ryan's face went as red as his hoodie. Nooshy just smirked. "Well he was until I found him." She said. Ryan playfully rolled his eyes at her. "It was a long time ago, I was still new to Redshore city and Klaus was not making it easy for me to find my place but then Nooshy saw me on the street and said 'My partner just bailed on me, you're gonna be my replacement.' And we've been friends ever since." He smiled.
And then he got an idea, a wonderful idea. "We can teach you!" Ryan half yelled. "What?"
"Really!?" Johnny started to smile too. "Honestly, if you two could give me some dance lessons, you would literally be saving my life." He said.
Nooshy stopped drinking. "Wait, if you're in a real show, how come you don't have a choreographer like Ryan?" She asked him. "I do," Johnny stated. "But it turns out he's a-."
"Massive weirdo." He and Ryan said in unison. The looked at each other and lightly chuckled.
Nooshy eyed him. "And how do I know that you're not a weirdo? Hmm?" She asked him. "I mean Ryan already has a crush on you but how do I know that you're legit?"
I tried to shake off Nooshy's comment but it started to eat at me. I didn't have a crush on Johnny. He's just an amazing friend, an amazing, good looking friend that's fun to talk to and dance with. Yeah.
"Well, how else am I supposed to prove that I'm legit?" I heard Johnny asked her. Nooshy shrugged her shoulders.
Johnny started to tap his finger on the table and mutter something.
"Confessing, yeah🎶' He sang quietly.
"Oh, I've been shaking, I love it when you go crazy🎶 You take all my inhibitions🎶." I stared at him in awe. People turned and stared to see what was happening, I couldn't care less. "What are you doing." Nooshy asked him.
"Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back🎶 You take me places that tear up my reputation🎶 Manipulate my decisions🎶 Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back🎶."  People start to clap along to the rhythm, I joined in too.
"Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh🎶 There's nothing holdin' me back!🎶"
"I knew you were a weirdo!" Nooshy said excitedly.
(Cut to the doors a of the set station)
Nooshy pushed the doors to see the inner workings of "Out Of This World." "Whoa. This sick!" She said.
"See." Johnny said. "This is incredible." Ryan said, he looked up at the planets hanging from the ceiling. "Almost as incredible as you?" Johnny muttered. "Oh, sorry?" Ryan asked. "Oh no, I was uh..."
"Whoa. Mate, look at that." Nooshy said as she picked up a poll a dog in a bright color beanie(?) was working on.
"Hey. Who are you?" He asked her. "It's alright, she's with me." Johnny said to him. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Nooshy." She handed him back the poll. "Me and Ry Ry are his dance coaches. And I really love that hat." She said as she walked away. "She's right. Great hat." Johnny said. "Mhm." Ryan nodded as he followed them.
"You think some riffraff street dancer can help you more then me?" Klaus practically yelled at the three. "Riffraff?" Nooshy said imitating whatever accent he had. Ryan and Johnny held her back. "Ok hold on, her and Ryan are just give me some extra lessons, that's all." He said. But Klaus wasn't having it. "Oh, because I, Klaus Kickanklober, master choreographer, am not good enough for Johnny." He said with venom. "No, that's not what I meant." Johnny said.
"Yes, I'm irrelevant to him. I'm just a stupid, fat, old monkey." Klaus said in a distasteful voice. "I don't think that at all."
"I do." Nooshy said without hesitation. "Klaus, we're only trying to help him. You have been nothing but horrible to him since he came here." Ryan said, which made Klaus look at him in shock. "In my eyes he's been working harder than anyone here." Nooshy decided to join in. "Yeah! We only need two days with him."
"Two day? Ha! Two hundred years, more like." Klaus scoffed. "Two days. He'll be amazing." She said confidently. "Oh, really?" Klaus asked. "Well, if he is,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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