Love scenes and first week jitters

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3rd POV
As soon as Buster closed the door to the studio Meena walked up to him. "Mr. Moon?" She started nervously. "Meena, you okay?" He asked. She played with her sleeves. "Gunter said I'm in a romantic scene and, uh, uh..." She lowered her voice and whispered. "I have to kiss someone."
"Yeah. It's gonna be an amazing, beautiful, romantic scene." Buster said nonchalantly. "Mr. Moon, I've never even had a boyfriend or any of that stuff." She said, trying explain her side of things. "Ah, don't you worry. I'm gonna cast a great partner for you." He said as they walked through the production. "Promise?" She asked. "Promise."
As she left, Mason the walrus came up to him. "Mr.Moon, we're ready to start building the rest of the sets and-." "Okay, okay, okay, listen." Buster hushed his voice so only Mason could hear. "I don't exactly know what they are yet, so could you give me one more night to figure it out?" Buster asked him. Mason nodded.
He stood up right again and said loudly. "Hey, this guy doesn't have it figured out, so we can't start work right now." Everyone stopped and turned to look at him. "Mason!" Buster said trying to make him shut up. "Did everybody hear that?" Mason asked. "He does not have the show figured out."
Buster tried to shushing and babbling to get him to stop. "I'm looking into his eyes, and all I see is fear. And a little bit of shame." He finished. "I think everyone heard you, Mason. Thank you so much." Buster said in defeat.
He turned to see Gunter. "Gunter! We have work to do.
Back in the suite, Buster was typing away. "And then I thinking, Ash, you know, she can, like, totally have a duet with Clay Calloway, 'cause, like, she's a star that is, like, guiding them all the way back home again." He said. Buster laughed at his perfect plan. "Yes, Gunter. That's perfect for Ash." He said typing it down.
The doorbell rang and all of Rosita's kids ran inside yelling for their mommy.
"Oh, my darlings, you're here." She chuckled, getting trampled by them. They started to climb on the others as well, including Johnny, Meena and Buster. "Oh my gosh, I wasn't expecting you till the morning." She said to Norman. "I know, but they couldn't wait to see you." He said taking the kids into his own arms. "The star of the show, huh?" He said smiling. "Can you believe it? It's literally my dream come true." She said. "I know." Then he kissed her. "I am so proud of you, honey."
On the other side of the room Meena saw them and felt like curling into a ball. Johnny saw the expression on her face. "Still worrying about that kiss scene?" He asked. "Yeah... But how can you blame me, I've never had a boyfriend, I never kissed anyone before and I never held hands with a boy." She exacerbated. "Have you ever kissed anyone?" She asked Johnny.
He thought for a moment. "Once." He said. "How it go?" He took a deep breath. "Well, after it was over I yelled, 'Ew cooties!' And ran away." He couldn't keep a straight face anymore and he busted out laughing. Meena joined in as well. "Don't worry about it through, you know what they always say 'fake it until you make it'."
Back on the other side of the room. "Mr. Moon, I found him!" Miss Crawly said excitedly. "Clay Calloway?" "Yeah. I found his home address." Buster ran over to her cheering, so did Ash. "No way." Ash said gently taking the paper from her.
"Yes way. Miss Crawly, I'm gonna need you to go visit him first thing in the tomorrow." He said. "Oh, yes sir." She said grabbing the piglet from him. "You'll need to rent a car and take him a letter and maybe that fruit basket. Yes, the fruit basket. You got that?" He asked her. "Got it."
(Time skip)
Johnny POV
"And one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight." Kickanklobber said. As everyone else did their dance perfectly, I couldn't even keep up to the beat. He didn't even show the dance before hand, I was just flapping around like a fish.
"We're dancing. We're dancing." Then he stopped everyone in a pose. One I couldn't do. "We're holding. We're holding." Everyone started to move again and I managed to fall on my face. "Shuffle and hold." He said.
I got up quickly and tried to do the pose but not very well. I am not doing Ryan's teachings justice.
"I said hold, Johnny. He's not holding." Kickanklobber said loudly. "All right, I am trying." I said in defense. He used his pointer thing to make my head look forward. "Let's not forget, this is Redshore City, not your little local theater. And five, six, seven, eight."
I did my best to imitate the others, then I looked over to Ryan. He was like a robot, almost too perfect. "Ryan that was excellent. Johnny, you are doing it wrong." He said.
I cringed at that.
Then I felt a little bump on my shoulder. "Come on, Johnny. You can do way better. I know you can." It was Ryan. Some how he came over without me noticing. "I can't. He's freaking me out." I whispered back. "Don't let it get to you. He's like that to all the new dancers. It's just a way to scare them and make him feel powerful." He whispered. Putting a reassuring hand on shoulder. It made me feel a little better.
"And thrust, and thrust." We quickly did the motion. It felt really embarrassing doing it in front of him. "Five, six, seven, and tippy-toes, tippy-toes." He said as he did it. I couldn't do this. "This will be 10x easier if you embraced the silliness of it all." Ryan whispered as he did it. "Oh come on, he's having a laugh." I said. When I tried to do it, kickanklobber started to nitpick me.
I threw open the door of the costume room panting. "That bloke absolutely hates me." I told them and I took of the towel Ryan gave me after we had finished. "Hang in there, Johnny. The first week's always tough." Rosita said kindly. She was right of course. "Yeah. You're right. You're right." Embrace the silliness.
3rd POV
Buster immediately ran over to Meena. "Meena, come and meet your partner." He said out of breath. She became anxious. "Oh, my gosh, he's here?" "Yep. He's called Darius. Won a ton of awards. And I think you guys are gonna have great chemistry." He said in full confidence.
We cut over to an incredibly smarmy yak singing 'If I was your boyfriend.' And being way too sensual.
Darius then stopped the video. "Wow. That's really great, Darius." Meena said doing her best to sound nice. "Uh, yeah, it's a scene from the last show I was in." He said taking a seat. "I'm sure you heard of it- Hope Against Hope. Gosh, I won every award in town." He went on. "Uh, the golden piccolo for best crying." And on, and on.
"Anyway, my costar, she was just like you, Gina. She was-." "It's Meena." She interrupted. "Excuse me?" He asked. "My name, It's Meena, not Gina." She said, trying not to sound too rude. "Yeah ok! In the future, if you could not interrupt me, that would be way better."
Ladies, gents, non-binary represents the 'Love Interest'.
"Okay, okay. Let's rehearse." Buster said. All throughout the rehearsal while Meena was under playing Darius was over playing by 20 notches.
Luckily Suki walked in to distract from the awkwardness. "So, where's Calloway?" She asked Buster. "Uh, he'll be here very soon." He answered. "Mm, is that so?" She added very unamused. "It is indeed so. In fact, my trusty assistant Miss Crawly is on her way to meet him right now."

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