A Crystal Girl on Fire

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Miss Crawly was driving at high speed down the road singing along to 'Chop Suey'
'Wake up!'
"Wake up."
'Grab a brush and put a little makeup!'
'Hide your scars to fade away the shake-up'
'Why'd you leave the keys upon the table!'
"The table."
'Create another fable! You wanted to!'
Then the GPS spoke. "Your destination is on the right."
"On the right. Okay." She then swerved a hard right and drove into the woods. As she drove deeper, the forest had thicker to point where she had to use her lights.
Until a sign that said 'Private Property No Trespassing' She grabbed the fruit basket, got out of the car and she hopped over the fence.
She saw a house in the distance. It had to be Calloway's. As she walked down the hill, she was greeted with a large gate. That didn't stop her though and she pushed her way in. "Mr. Calloway?" She shouted. "Hello?"
"Is anybody home?" As soon as she asked that, she stepped on a string of rope as it triggered fireworks to go off. As Miss Crawly tried to step away she triggered another booby trap, this time setting off loud alarms.
Out of her line of vision, a garage door opened revealing a man on a motorcycle. As he drove over she saw him, he pulled out paint gun and shot the fruit basket right out of her hands.
That's when she decided it was time to start running.
As she did so, the man kept shooting paint balls at her until she ran back in the car. Unfortunately she lost her glass eye and replaced it with an apple on the ground. She put the car in reverse and drove away as fast as possible.
As she looked back, she saw the man take of his helmet. It was Clay Calloway. Before she could say his name she fell and got in a crash.
(Time skip)
Back at the theater set they were getting things ready for Rosita's scene, while Buster was trying to call Miss Crawly. 'Hello, I can't take your call right now, but please leave me a message after the beep.' Her voice said.
"Miss Crawly, it's me, Mr. Moon. I haven't heard from you in a while. I'm starting to worry here." He said quietly. "Moon!" Crystal shouted. "Mr. Crystal." Buster sputtered. "Your set designs are a disgrace." He shouted angrily. "What?" Buster said in a small voice backing away slowly.
Crystal looked him dead in the eye before laughing. "I'm just messing with ya. Where's your sense of humor, huh?" He said rubbing Buster's head. To which he chuckled nervously. "Anyway, this is my daughter, Porsha." He said gesturing to (the love of my life) a teenage Arctic wolf. She lifted up her pink sunglasses. "Hey." She said.
"Nice to meet you, Porsha." Buster said giving her a little wave. "She wants to meet Clay Calloway. Big fan, aren't you, baby?" She got all excited. "Oh, my gosh, I'm, like, so into vintage right now." She said opening up her jacket to revel her blue Calloway T-shirt. "So where is he?" Crystal asked looking up from his phone.
Buster stared at the floor awkwardly. "Uh, well... I'm not expecting Clay Calloway on set just yet. I mean-." Then the Angel Porsha interrupted him. "Wait is this, like, a sky-fi show?" She asked him. "Sci-fi? Yes. Yes, it is." He confirmed. "Oh, my gosh, I love Sky-fi." She said looking around in wonder.
"Mr. Moon!" Sasha shouted from the deck up above. "We're ready on the tower." How perfect a distraction. "Oh. Thank you, Sasha. We, uh... we're gonna rehearse, Mr. Crystal, so..." Buster started. "Yeah, you go and do your rehearsing thing." Crystal said dismissively, not looking up from his phone. "Go, go, go, go." He said
"Play back." Buster said. The frog next to the sound station pressed the button and 'Break Free' started to play. "Okay. All set." Sasha said, strapping up Rosita. "Just remember to release the safety catch before you jump, okay?" She told her. "Okay, yeah." Rosita said, taking a nervous breath. Back on the ground, one of the piglets grabbed on to Buster's sleeve. "Is Mommy gonna jump off that?" She asked him. "She sure is." He said. They all gasped.
'If you want it~ Take it.🎶' She any as she made her to the edge. 'I should've said it before~ Tried to hide it~ Fake it~ I can't pretend anymore...' but then everything started to distort. Rosita couldn't breath, it was like the ground was getting further and further away from her. "Oh, my gosh!" She collapsed to her knees.
"Gunter." She whimpered. Gunter and Sasha ran to her. "Mr. Moon, I think Rosita's having, like, a major freak-out up here." Gunter yelled down. "Oh no." Buster muttered and to them on the ledge. "Hey, Moon, you really think the mommy pig's gonna pull this off?" Crystal asked. "Mommy pig?" Norman said offended.
Buster continued to run. "Absolutely, sir. Believe me, there's nothing Rosita can't do." He said confidently.
"I can't do this." She said to him while holding on the railing. "Why didn't you tell me you were afraid of heights?" He asked her with concern. "I wasn't. I mean, I've never been afraid in my whole life before, but I... suddenly, I just... I don't know what happened to me." She paused for a brief moment. "Did my kids see that?" She asked him.
But before he could answer (the goddess) Porsha walked up to them. "Hey, you guys. What's going on up here?" She asked nonchalantly. "Who is that?" Rosita asked. Porsha then picked up the jumping gear. "Ooh. Can I try?" Buster then stepped away from Rosita. "What? No, no, no, no, no, no. I-I can't let you jump off here." He said sternly. She pouted and grabbed hold hold of the railing. "Daddy, he won't let me jump!" She said, pointing at Buster.
"Moon, come on, let her do the thing." He said, stuffing his face with treats. "Yay!" She said buckling herself up. "Porsha, wait!" Buster yelled. Sasha tried to intervene as well. "Whoa, hey. Uh, just a minute!" She said. But Porsha didn't listen and jumped off. "Weeee!" She yelled. She glided and flew with ease. "Wooo! I love it! It's easy!"
Buster took Rosita's hand and help her up. "All right. Let's get you down, Rosita." He said calmly. "Oh, my gosh, you guys. This is exactly like the dream I had last night." She said, hopping on to a planet. "Seriously, you were all there." She started to point to people. "And you and you and that funny-looking guy over there." She said pointing at Kickanklobber. "All of you. And you asked me to sing for ya." She said to Buster.
"I... I did?" I said confused. "Yeah. And so, I was like..." She cleared her throat. 'This girl is on fire~ This girl is on fire~!🎶' She sang as she glided and hopped off of planets gracefully. 'She walking on fire~ This girl is on fire!🎶' she slowly descended to the ground while a handful of people clapped for her.
"Well, that's a lovely dream you had there, Porsha." Buster said. Sasha came over and gave him the space helmet. "Uh, okay, everybody, back to first positions, please." Porsha's eyes lit up when she saw the helmet. "Here Rosita. You want to try with the helmet this time?" He asked holding it up to her. She had barley just grabbed when (angel) Porsha said. "Oh, but now I now what the dream meant. Yeah, she's afraid." She grabbed the helmet from Rosita. "She'll never be able to play the part. But here I am, and I'm young and I'm not afraid at all." She said putting it on.
"I can't just give you Rosita's part. I mean-." He was about to protest more but then Mr. Crystal grabbed ahold of his shoulder. "Moon, walk with me." He said.
"What's wrong with you, huh? What, you got a kink in your think?" He asked. "It's just that I wrote this part for Rosita and-." Buster was cut off. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let me tell you something, Moon." He said brushing off his suit. "What you got here is an opportunity to make me happy. And when an opportunity like that comes along, you'd better grab it!" He said, grabbing Buster by his shirt and lifting him up. "You get me?" He asked him.
Buster hesitated. "Uh.." "what you don't think my daughter's good enough for your show?" He asked him. "No, Mr. Crystal. Well. I think she's wonderful." He said quickly. "Oh, good. So you'll figure it out." Crystal said, adjusting Buster's shirt. "I'll... Yes, I will." He said weakly.
"Daddy, I'm hungry for French toast." Porsha said. "Jerry! Get her some French toast." Everything else blurred when Buster was dropped. "And, by the way, I like the set. That whole "rings moving around" thing. Creative, quirky. I like it." He said walking away. "Bye, Daddy." Porsha said. (But the bastard didn't even bother and now she's sad.)
"Mm-Kay. Let's have Porsha measured for a costume right away, please." Suki stated. "Right away." Jerry replied. As the ring turned Buster looked sick to the stomach. Rosita was at the stair waiting for him. "You okay?" He asked her. "A little shaky, but I'm okay." She said. "Yeah. You know, uh..." He didn't want to do this, he didn't want to do this.
"Look, maybe this is for the best, huh?" He said, more to himself than to her. "I mean you really were scared up there." He added. "Right." She said, her voice getting a little choked up. The rest of the gang walked up behind her. "I'll write you another part, Rosita. A really... a really, really great part." He said urgently.
"You all right?" Ash asked her. "Oh, I'm fine." She said, readjusting herself. "Really?" Johnny said slowly. Everyone looked at her with suspicion and sadness. "Yes, you're all very sweet," She said giving the helmet back to Buster. "But like Mr. Moon says, this is probably for the best." Mina chimed in. "Seriously?" She asked. "Seriously. I am completely fine with this."
(Cut to her having a meltdown)
Rosita sat beside the bathtub crying and hugging herself as mascara ran down her face. The bathroom door slowly opened to reveal Norman. "Hey, honey." He said sweetly. Rosita got up and wiped her eyes. "Are you... you're sure you're not, you know, upset?" He asked. He was trying to tread lightly. "No, no, I'm good. Um, can I please just have the bathroom to myself for five minutes?" She asked. She did her best not sound rude. "You got it." Norman said, closing the quietly to his wife space. "Ok, kids time to get your jammies on."
"Thank you for choosing to drive with Royalty." The chauffeur said doing his best fake smile. "All right, bye-bye." He turned to see what the heck was making racket. He saw Ms. Crawly in an almost completely destroyed car, covered in paint driving up to him.
"Oh, hello, young sir." She started. He looked utterly dumbfounded. "Um, oh, yes, you'll... you'll be pleased to hear I did bring it back with a full tank." She said. And then the air bag went off.

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