Chapter 3

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What the actual fuck was this man's deal? He cannot be serious right now. God this man was crazy if he thought I was going to listen to anything he had to say.

And yet...The fear sending chills down my spine told me that I should just listen. My skin was icy cold as I looked at him now standing in my living room. Finnly still standing on guard at my side. Archer was by my other side, however, he stood slightly in front of me. As if somehow he could protect me against the dark-haired, monster standing in front of us.

Archer still had no shirt on and his hair was still a mess. Although now his dark brown hair was a mess because he had run his hands through it so many times. Now he stood staring at River, his jaw slightly tightened as the other male moved to put his hands in his pockets. River looked like this was a causal discussion, like he hadn't just showed up at my apartment in the middle of the night, demanding that I leave with him.

I let my eyes take all of him in, studying him. His green eyes were bright even in the dim light. He still wore his usual suit from work, however his tie was missing and a few buttons of his black shirt were undone. There was something that looked like a stain on the cuff of his right sleeve, as if he had spilled something on it. I didn't let myself wonder about it.

Or I didn't until I saw his shoes. A few drops of something, I couldn't tell what, were on his shoes. Focusing my eyes, straining them to try to see what it was. The dim lights blocked all of it out. Maybe it was just from a drink he spilled or he walked near a puddle - anything could have caused that.

Glancing back up, I caught his gaze.

My breath caught in my throat.

I couldn't breathe.

My hand went to the bracelet on my hand, the crescent moon shape reminding me of who gave me this bracelet. The man who just forced his way into my apartment. The man that made my pulse race and head swim. The man that was made of monsters. The one that scared me.

River's eyes slowly went down my body, finally resting on where the bracelet lay at my wrist. Those piercing green eyes narrowed at the sight of the gold chain, a hint of shock left his eyes before I could fully catch it.

He had given it to me for my birthday. Three years ago. The memory of that still plays in my head. I had fallen in love with the bracelet and told my father about it. My father said he would consider buying it. The next thing I knew, River showed up at the house for the party, box in hand. Father seemed incredibly shocked when he saw what was inside the box. I never asked how River knew about the bracelet, even if my father's incredulous look that day had me burning with questions.

He didn't say much that day. No. He was quiet as always. Stalking into the house, well into the party. All he said was "happy birthday, Little Dreamer", handed me the box, and walked away.

A note was with the box as well, but I never opened it. I never could bring myself to open it. It sits in a drawer in my dresser, still unopened. Why couldn't I read it? That was the question that always hide in the back of my head. It was haunting almost. The memory of that - of him.

Now he stood in front of me. Wanting me to -

Archer cleared his throat. "So she's just supposed to what? Leave with you?"

The corner of River's lip curled a bit. "Still struggle with words, big guy?" A short, dry laugh sounded. I couldn't tell if it was Archer or River. However, the former's hands clenched into fists at his sides.

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