Chapter 5

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The sun streaming into the room woke me. A glance around the room told me that this wasn't mine. A slide of my hand to the place next to me on the bed told me that Archer was not here with me. As I look at the white comforter and feel the silk sheets of the bed, I remember what had happened the night before.

God, I felt like an idiot.

With a shake of my head, I look around the room. It's nice. Big, but nice. There was a wall of windows, which the sun was shining through. Studying it, I noticed the door that led outside. Indeed there was a small porch with some chairs beyond it. They looked untouched. Everything in this room seemed untouched. I wonder if anyone has ever stayed in this room.

But if someone has, then whose room is it? Another question to add to my list of long ones.

Slowly getting out of bed, I see my bag. I picked it up and set it on the bed.


Another glance around the room revealed a door on the wall across from the bed. I opened the door and sure enough, it was a bathroom. Thank God. I immediately head for the shower. While I'm showering, the memories of the night before play in my head on a loop.

Why did I agree to this? I should have spoken up. I should have told him to back off. But I didn't. I let him treat me like I was an object that could just be moved around.

Maybe that was all he saw me as. Or maybe that was just how I presented myself to be so he took it. Did I present myself that way to him? If I did it any other way, how would he respond?

Oh, fucking hell.

I rubbed my face and turned off the water. What was I thinking? River Manick didn't give two shits about me unless it involved my father. Whatever deal they had there.

After drying off, I walk back into the bedroom and grab some clothes from the bag. I opted for ripped jeans and one of Archer's t-shirts that he had thrown into there. It wasn't a super nice outfit or a fashion piece, but I never was one for fashion. Always chose comfort over style. I had a whole life to wear big, nice outfits, I'll wear my jeans when I want.

I decide to make the bed after I get dressed, but that's when it hit me. I don't remember coming into the house, coming into this room, climbing into this bed. Did River bring me to this room? Carry me? Or was I just too tired to remember the walk? No. I think he did.

I must have fallen asleep in the car then. Why not wake me up? River could have easily woken me up and brought me to the room. Maybe he tried to wake me and when I didn't he just decided that he would do it himself.

I don't know. I don't care.

While towel drying my hair, I hear a knock on the door. I walk past the big bed to the door, next to which was a small desk. The desk was white wood, to match the monotone of the rest of the room. On top of it was a lamp, a stack of books, and a potted plant. The plant looked like it could use some attention - it wasn't dead yet but it would be soon. I make a mental note to give it some water.

I take a breath and open the door.

"Holy shit." A male voice I have heard only a few times, and not in many years. "So it is true. Little McKnight is here."

"Finn?" I gaze up at the tall male in front of me. His blonde hair had gotten some length to it since I last saw him - now hanging to his shoulders. Those eyes, still a strong blue with long lashes shielding them, were bright with joy. There was a bit of a beard growing along his jaw. He looked like he always had, and yet so different.

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