06 , filler

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The group huddled around the fire, still mourning the death of Winston, especially Frypan. He just stared into the fire with tears streaming down his cheeks, everyone stayed silent, grief-stricken 

"I'd never thought I'd say it," Frypan started, gathering everyone's attention, "But I miss the Glade," Daisy didn't blame him.

She was starting to miss it, too. At least it had a sense of security, like a home where all her friends were at. It was warm and loving there in the Glen, the weather was nicer, too. Smiling at herself, she looked at Aris, catching his eye. They were thinking the same thing: They missed their friends.

"Daisy, do you remember the night you were stuck in the Maze?" Aris asked, a slight smile on his lips.

Everyone looked at her in shock; the only people they knew of that survived was Minho, Thomas and Alby. It probably should've been obvious that other people would've survived in the Maze, seeing as how that was the only way to escape.

"You've survived a night in the Maze?" Thomas asked, turning his attention to her. But she wasn't looking at him, so how could she know what he asked?

Thomas scooted closer, tapping her shoulder lightly to ask his question. Daisy looked at Thomas, "How did you survive in the Maze?" He asked, everyone was paying attention now.

"I hid in the vines and felt for vibrations, it wasn't hard seeing as how the Grievers were big," Daisy explained, recalling the memory. It still haunted her every time she closed her eyes, all she see was the Griever looking back at her. She couldn't remember if they had eyes or not, but she could remember their shrieks echoing on the cement walls.

It chilled her to the bone just thinking about it. It had been so long, it felt like it was years ago.

"No one expected her to make it back, but Harriet did," Aris commented, staring into the fire as he remembered Harriet sleeping next to the cement walls. She had a determined look that night, staring at the walls, as if she was willing them to open. No one was happier than her when Daisy limped to the Glen, brusied and bloody, but she was alive.

"Who's Harriet?" Newt asked, starting to take an interest in the conversation as the other slept.

"She was our leader in the Glen. And our best friend," Aris answered, solemnly staring off. How could he forget what happened that day they escaped? He remembered it like it was just yesterday; it was one of his more frightening memories.

Daisy remembered too. "What happened to her?" Newt asked again.

"We got separated after we escaped, there were people running around and grabbing at us, it seemed like...they were fighting over us." Daisy said. The memory played in her head like a movie; she couldn't hear the gunshots but she saw flashes of light emitting from the barrels. She could only remember one of her friends getting shot, but she didnt knowcabout the others. That was the last time they saw them. They only took her, Aris and Rachel.

A comforting hand rested over hers, interwining with her fingers. She looked up to see Minho looking back at her. He didn't have the same intidmating presence she knew him to have, instead, he had a gentle and soft one. It was a nice change to her; but it didn't feel like one. It felt like she had seen this change before, it was familiar and that reassured her.

"What about you? What was it like in the Maze?" Daisy asked to Minho, having their own conversation as everyone went to sleep, preparing for the long journey.

Minho sighed, "there was a time when my friend, Alby, we went into the Maze after weird things started happening. He got stung, I tried carrying him but he was too heavy. But that crazy shank," Minho gestured to the now sleeping Thomas, who was snoring softly, "he ran in to help me. In the end, I ran like a coward while he stayed back to help Alby. We survived, though, obviously...except for Alby,"

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