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Miss Baker

She's still not here in school. It's been two days since the last time I saw her. She's hasn't shown up since then, I didn't even saw her outside school. Ever since she dragged me to the beach and even kissed me, she never showed up. I was mad at her for kissing me but I was even more mad now that she's not here.

Why am I affected so much by this annoying nerd? Well, she's just one girl who happened to appreciate me despite my not so nice nature. Great I'm arguing with myself now.

Part of me wanted to check on her or even call her but I had second thoughts which led me to doing nothing at all. I need to be professional and not feel too attached to her but how can I when she keeps on invading my personal space.

It's stupid to admit that I actually look forward to her teasing and constant annoyance which I later on began to miss. Yes, I do miss her I'll only admit that to myself but never to her. I don't want to encourage her that there's a possibility of having a relationship between the two of us. She might find this just a game or a joke she can make fun of but for me it's important. Not only it consists my job but my feelings as well. I don't want to waste it for some stupid games. My feelings matters more as well as my job.

I leaned on my chair and sighed. Glancing at the mountain of paperworks and folders. I realized that I've been doing the same thing over and over again for years. I feel like a robot doing only what is programmed for me to do. Nonsense and might as well be senseless.

I suddenly thought of Crest. If it wasn't for her constant annoyance and sudden urge to drag me anywhere she wishes to go then I wouldn't have noticed that I was doing the same thing every single day. For a few days Crest took me to places, if I remember correctly she already took me to the arcade, the amusement park, the aquarium and just recently the beach where I find it quite touching. During those times I admittedly felt free around her. I felt like I missed so much and thanks to her I learned to have fun which is something I've never done for a long time.

Her positive and sweet nature surely impressed me. No matter how many times I rejected her especially her marriage proposal which by the way is still too young for her to think about. But aside from that she didn't gave up and is still the same the next day and then the next. She's both persistent and resilient eventhough I kept on ignoring her on purpose and I honestly admire that side of her, that for once I almost gave in.

I never thought that she alone can make a huge impact in my life. I've never been thankful and both bothered by Crest. If I won't be careful she could invade my life completely and that scares me. She already has a string attached to me and I don't want her to add more in my life.

I groaned and massaged my temples to calm myself down. This is all Crest's fault, this won't happen if she just showed up in class. Now I had to debate with myself which is utterly pointless and unnecessary. This stupid nerd should really stop nagging my mind.

I composed myself and then went back to my work. I don't have time for nonsense such as worrying for her. I shouldn't care whether she shows up or not. I should just focus with my job which is to teach and nothing else.

My day ended quickly and I thank God for I can finally rest well at least for a short time. I'd still probably finish some more work when I get home.

And just as I said I still had work left to finish at home. I took a quick shower first and dinner before I started working. This is really bothersome.

I was driving on my way to school, after a long night of finishing some paperworks I was lucky not to overslept. I guess tiredness hasn't consumed my body and mind yet. It's still a little early but I'm already in school, walking in the hallway while holding some folders on my left and my coffee on my right. I headed to my office first to leave some of my stuff and to get books and other materials needed for my first class.

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