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Everything is pitch black when I opened my eyes. 'What happened?' I asked myself which sadly I wasn't able to answer anyway. The only thing I can remember is when I was taken inside the operating room for my heart transplant. After that, I'm not sure what happened. Aside from me waking up in this strange dark place, for some reason I feel like I'm just floating endlessly. I tried moving my fingers and luckily my body still works. For a while there I thought I was paralyzed.

I moved my body to stand up which is somehow a bit awkward and difficult to do considering that I'm somewhat just drifting. I gasped when I suddenly felt gravity pulled me down. I landed on my knees with a groan. When I raised my head, my surroundings is no longer dark and black. In fact, it turned into something I'm quite familiar with. Which happens to be the playground I used to play at when I was young. I stood up and looked around the playground. It's just what it was when I last came here or it's just my memory which made this place possible. Before my surroundings shifted I saw my younger self running around.

The scene then changed into when I was in highschool where I looked nerdy as hell. I can't believe I'm seeing my highschool self again in a nerdy get-up. I followed my not so cool self who is walking in the hallway.

Wait. I remember this scene. It's where I first got captivated by my beloved ice queen. Oh look and it's about to happen now. The ice is walking towards me and I'm completely oblivious because I'm too caught up in my own world. And just like that, we bumped into each other. I said my sorry and of course when I gazed up I was immediately starstruck by her eventhough she got angry at me and called me nerd. It's one of those moments which I'll definitely not forget. That event made me who I am today and led me to my one and only ice queen.

Speaking of ice queen. I feel like I've forgotten something important. Am I missing something? I feel like I said or even promised something to my woman. And why the heck am I seeing some of my memories in the past?

Wait, wait. What actually happened after my surgery? Did it go well? No! I know too well that it didn't went perfectly well because I'm somehow stuck in my subconscious right now if I'm correct.

So, what confused me now is that why am I having some flashbacks of my past memories?

Oh fuck!! Is this what happens when someone is close to the doors of death? They tend to recall their past memories before dying? Oh no. This is bad.

I began to panic and honestly who wouldn't? Oh damn this cannot be happening. I haven't even proposed to my ice queen again. Fuck! and she's absolutely going to kill me if I didn't come back to her. Instead of threatening me she should have just said that she loves me. As if the infamous ice queen would do that.

Memories kept flashing before my eyes which only jams my head even more. I can't think straight because of all these. A strong shove made me stop and unexpectedly, the one who shoved me against the wall is no other than my beloved. Blood almost bursted out of my nose with just the sight of my ice queen who is wearing her usual glare. Her being physically dominant is an absolute turn on. Me and my stupid kinky mind. Up until here she still looks scary and angry.

She gripped my shoulder and leaned in, stopping only a few inches to my face. "Wake up you stupid nerd" how can she look so beautiful and sexy at the same time? That's so unfair and dangerous. She shouldn't show that side of her to other people because there's a higher chance that they might fall head over heels over my woman.

"I said wake up you stupid nerd" my body began to ache and then pain came crashing on me.

My eyes shot open and I'm immediately greeted by the sight of the white ceiling of my hospital room. Oh my goodness. My chest feels like it's been dumped with a ton of bricks. It feels so heavy and painful. I tried to pull myself up eventhough my body feels numb and heavy then I removed my oxygen mask.

Where is everybody? Why am I the only one here and how long have I been unconscious?

Great my questions will be left unanswered. What am I going to do now? It's not like I can just leave my bed with my current condition so I decided to just sit and wait for someone to come.

It's been more than an hour and this is seriously killing me especially in my position right now. I should have just lied down and stayed still. I was about to lie back down when suddenly the door opened and then closed. I didn't immediately look but when I didn't hear footsteps I decided to check out who got inside my room.

Relief washed over me the moment I saw my ice queen standing just right at the door. She must've been shocked to see me that she wasn't able to move from her position.

"Ava" I finally said smiling at her. How I miss this woman. She didn't move from her place for a while until she took small and careful steps towards me. Like she's making sure that I'm really here and awake. When she finally reached me, she immediately wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her face on my belly. This gesture of hers caught me completely off guard.

"I'm sorry for giving you a hard time" I said as I stroke her hair. She didn't respond instead she just tightened her embrace around my waist.

"What took you so long, you stupid nerd" she murmured which I still heard. I must've slept for a few days.

"I know you miss me"

"Who would miss someone like you" she retorted eventhough that's the total opposite of how she's acting right now.

I can't help but chuckle which immediately made me wince. I unconsciously held my chest.

"Hey are you okay?" the ice queen asked after noticing the sudden shift of my body.

I smiled at her "Yeah I'm fine. Just forgot about my stitches"

We stared at each other and I would be lying if I say I didn't want to kiss her right now but before that, a thought suddenly came to mind. "I've been meaning to ask this but what did you do with the necklace I gave you? I noticed that you weren't wearing it anymore"

She immediately looked away which made me assume that she might have thrown it away or lost it. "I framed it. It's too special for me" she admitted with flushed cheeks. Oh my gosh, she looks adorable when she's flustered.

I can't help but blush as well. I didn't expect her to do that. To think that she would treasure that simple gift I gave her so much. I think I'll have a heart attack because of this woman.

"Oh" was all I could say. Stupid brain cells, couldn't even come up with a decent response.

This is awkward. What am I suppose to do now? Usually I'm able to come up with a topic but now I have none.

"Uh what happened after my surgery?" I decided to ask that instead because I'm totally at loss right now. It's like my mind just went blank to be honest.

My beloved pulled the chair beside my bed and sat on it before taking my hand. She looks stressed and tired. Has she been watching over me while I was unconscious? I hope she's not pushing herself too hard.

"Well, your transplant was a success but your doctor explained that you immediately fell into coma after the transplant. You were then transferred back here in your room but just a couple of minutes passed, you suddenly had a convulsion. I thought I was going to lose you" she paused for a while to calm herself down. All I did was hold her hand tighter. "I was relieved when you finally calmed down after the convulsion. Didn't you know that you were unconscious for more than a week"

More than a week? That's how long I've been in a coma? And she's waiting and watching me for more than a week. "Why didn't you wake up sooner you stupid nerd. You made me worry so much. I thought you'll never going to wake up" she shouted at me as tears fall down her cheeks.

I gently pulled her in me and embraced her. "I'm sorry I took so long. I won't disappear because I still have a promise to you that needs to be fulfilled" I said. "You're turning into a softie my queen" I added just to tease her.

"Shut up, you stupid nerd"

"I miss you so much my queen" I whispered.

Our short moment was immediately ruined when my parents, my best friend and Maya barged inside my room and engulfed me with their hug the moment they saw that I'm finally awake. Crushing both me and my beloved in the process. I wanted to protest but I can't blame them for missing my precious presence.

CHASING THE ICE QUEEN Where stories live. Discover now