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After the indescribable three-day weekend. Jade was sure she could never be more in love with Tori. When Tori offered to go with her to break the news to the West family, Jade found she was wrong – in a good way.

Arriving at the West house after class on Tuesday, Jade went to her room and got some of her stuff together. She brought the bag downstairs and Tori joined on the couch for a while in a comfortable silence. Tori held her hand gently, her thumb running over Jade's knuckles softly.

A car pulled into the driveway and Jade immediately pulled her hand back. Standing, she led the way into the kitchen.

Her little brother, a boy almost ready for junior high, charged in and raced to the fridge. He was followed, after a few minutes, by Jade's parents.

"Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you," Jade announced work. She glanced to the side and saw Tori smile at her and nod.

"I'm gay."

Both Mr. and Mrs. West stared at their daughter for a long moment. As she heard her husband take a deep breath, knowing what that meant, Mrs. West ordered her young son to his room.

"WHAT?!" Mr. West bellowed. "You're what?!"

"I'm gay, Dad. I like girls. And…"




Tori's eyes, already wide at the initial outburst, widened farther as she heard the father echoing the daughter.

"No daughter of mine is a degenerate! I will not allow it!"

"You won't allow it?! You? Who the hell do you think you are, God?!" Jade replied in a sharp voice.

"In this house I am god! And I forbid you to be gay!"

Tori took a step forward, "Mr. West, you can't forbid someon…"

"Quiet! You are not a member of this family and not part of this discussion!"

Jade stepped towards her father, "Some discussion! You make a commandment and that's it! Just like Aunt Michelle…"

"Do not speak of that…person in this house!"

"Screw that, Dad! Aunt Michelle is your sister! Your sister! And you tossed her aside like an old newspaper," Jade replied.

"Do not speak of her in this HOUSE!" Mr. West's voice rose as he spoke. "That evil, degenerate creature is not part of this family. And…

"And, unless you change your attitude, Jadelyn West, you won't be either."

Jade's eyes narrowed dangerously. Tori took her hand and felt her lover squeeze it until Tori's joints popped. She refused to let go, giving Jade what support she could.

In a low voice, Jade said, "I won't change my mind. I can't change it. And, most important, I don't want to change it. I love Tori and she loves me!" Mr. West sputtered and his face grew red. "And that's more than I can say for anyone this house!"

Mr. West slammed his hand on the kitchen table, upsetting a bowl of sugar as well as the salt and pepper shakers. "You will leave this house at once! I never want to see you again!"

"Fine by me," Jade said with a tight smile. "I'll come back for my things later. When you're not here."

"No you won't! Those…things belong to my daughter, Jade. I lost her and you have no claim."

Tori spoke up again, "I don't think…"

"I don't care what you think, you dirty…"

"Don't say it old man…" Jade warned, her voice little more than a snarl.

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