After the Never-Ending Pre-Game Shows

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Tori and Jade convinced the Vegas to allow their friends to come by and watch the Super Bowl. As there was already plans in motion for a party, it didn't take long to add the HA kids to the small guest list. But Holly did manage to wrangle a promise to have the dishes done for a week and David was going to get his car washed and waxed weekly for a month.

But, even with the extorted promises, there was a stipulation.

"But no booze or dope..." David warned.

"Da-ad! We don't do that."

"You're teenagers..."

"Yeah, teens who don't do drugs!" Tori defended herself and her friends. Jade did a throat-clearing cough - she claimed just to embarrass her girl with the parents.

And so they quickly invited their friends from school. And any significant other any of them might have. Also invited were Jade's mother and brother.

"This is gonna be great!" Tori enthused.

"Calm down, Vega. It's just a party," Jade stated. "With football."

"And Beyonce," Tori added brightly. Jade just rolled her eyes.

Everyone arrived shortly after lunch time, each party bringing something to the shindig the Vegas had set up. David and a few of his buddies planted themselves outside to watch the game on the patio with some beers while cooking burgers, brats and hot dogs.

Inside, there was a party sub sandwich, space for a couple of pizzas that would soon be delivered, bowls of popcorn, chips, dips and salsas. And a large cooler full of various sodas and juices.

Beck drove Cat over. He came in with a large order of buffalo nuggets and bleu cheese dip. Cat brought a red velvet cake, giggling as she handed it to Holly, "Red velvet? Get it?"

"Yes, dear," Holly said with an indulgent grin.

More chips and soda courtesy of Andre and his latest flame. And Robbie brought some 'special' off-brand soda that he found in a small shop in La Cienega.

"One time, my brother had 'special' soda," Cat started, using her fingers for air quotes. "He got pulled over for driving erratically."

Jade and Tori greeted their friends as they arrived, and Jade grabbed Robbie's free arm. "That puppet better not make me angry, Shapiro."

"Uh, yes ma'am."

As they wandered out of range of Jade's hearing, Rex said, "Huh, must be that time of month."

"Rex!" Robbie hissed.

At the same moment, Jade shouted, "I heard that!"

"Eep!" Robbie ducked behind Cat who just giggled.

"So Robbie, I didn't know you were into football," Beck said, hoping to change the subject away from Jade's wrath.

"Well, I don't have a favorite team or anything and I don't watch games non-stop but I do enjoy the manly interaction on the field."

"Manly interaction... No wonder you don't have a girlfriend!"

"Rex!" Robbie said to the puppet. Jade snorted loudly.

Then, as if to defend his honor, Robbie went on, "I do have a lock on the game. Put all your money on Harbaugh's team to win."

Beck and Andre both stared at their friend with a touch of awe while Tori and Cat looked puzzled. Jade said, "Very good, Robbie. That was actually rather clever."

Robbie smiled and Cat asked, "What? I don't get it."

"Y'see Cat, Jim Harbaugh is the coach of the 49ers. His brother, John Harbaugh, is the coach of the Ravens," Beck explained.

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