Chapter 29!

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Jaci’s POV:

I woke up with a headache the following morning. What happened? How did I end up in that bed?

I tried to recall everything that happened last night and then I started to panic. I started babbling, "There was someone in my house... someone came here".

I called Béatrice right away. I got close to her because she understands and listens to me whenever I want to talk about Carol.

“Hey.. It's only 5 AM. Why are you...", her voice emerged groggly. I'm sure she's still in bed, but I couldn't help but panick.

"Beatrice...." She understood fear in my voice and spoke immediately, "Hello Jaci.. breathe.. what happened?”

"Somebody was in my room last night." But, I can't remember anything at the time... I woke up today and I see myself in bed now", I rambled.

“Hold on.. I will be there in  half an hour”, she hung the phone.

I started walking around the living room and in sharp half an hour I heard someone ringing my bell. I peeked through the hole to check who it was  and when I noticed Beatrice standing there, I opened the door.
In 15 minutes, Christian, Grace and Roger were there in my room.

Béatrice gave me a bit of water to drink and I sat on the sofa with my hands on my head.

I began, "Somebody left flowers on the door yesterday and it was Daisies.. It…. It.. had a note… “Good luck on your first day”…. And no one except Carol knows I like Daisies, even Jordan never knows... Then when I came here last night, I smelled somebody in our room.. I was scared and on the verge of fainting... Someone.. somebody kept me from falling... although I passed out... The person smelled like her... The cologne which she only uses… because she gets it prepared for her…… She is dead…. No... I was always under the impression that she was still alive... I cannot …. I am.. confused, panicked, vulnerable....".

I began to sob which ended in a loud scream followed by me crying as never before... Everything I've jammed in my heart has come out. I miss her.

No one said anything, but they kept seeing each other. I feel they felt sorry for me, but there was another thing they were hiding...

"Is there anything you're not telling me? Do you know who showed up yesterday?" I shouted.

It was silent. God… I could not stand it. After a few minutes, I saw Beatrice call someone and move away from our room to speak to someone. She returned and sat quietly. I looked at her and everyone else.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" I pleaded with them and cried. It's not like I'm afraid for my life but it's something connected to Carol and I couldn't leave it as such.  I simply live for her, her dreams.

I was about to burst when there was a soft knock at my door. Christian just opened the door.

Somebody came in wearing a helmet. It was a familiar figure. The person showed up in front of me and removed their helmet. I'm not breathing anymore. Tears were in my eyes.


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