Chapter 32!

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Jaci’s POV:

It's been a week since I saw Carol at her cabin and she explained everything, but she didn't give me the name of the person behind this. I trust her and when she wants to share it with me, I will be open to listen. It is the weekend and I am happy that today I can relax in my bed, but it only lasted one hour. I received a call from Béatrice asking me to come to the police station right away.

I am now very worried and anxious of why I should be here. I'm waiting outside the station for Beatrice and there she is.

Seeing me anxious, she hugged me and said, "Don't worry, there will be an investigative session with Carol's entire family. It seems the police have found some evidence".

She was casual but my spirit is still confused, now Carol is alive and why this investigative session. Like Beatrice learned my thoughts, "Jaci, I can't tell you anything now, but seeing your reaction, I knew what you were thinking. But, rest assured that this will be interesting and when you are interrogated just be honest. “.

I nodded my head and she took me to a big conference room where I saw, Carol's parents, Jordan, my parents, Carol's friends and two of the officers. I assume that they are the one who is going to ask us questions and also I see there is a camera which is recording everything that is happening in this room. So this is an interrogation room.

I took a seat near her friends and Beatrice sat near me shaking my hand assuring that everything would be all right.

After a couple of minutes, both officers introduced themselves as Taylor and Dan Lee. Taylor looked so familiar to me and then I remember that she was the one who caught the leader of a well-known gang recently and her face was all over every channels in TV. Dan Lee is her assistant.

Taylor cleared her voice and said, “This might look awkward having everyone in the same room but in order to find some truth, we are going to ask few questions in here”

She waved her hand to Dan Lee to continue and he stood up and approached Jordan, "So, Jordan, how is your relationship with your sister?"

"We never get along, but I miss her," he said, but I saw a smirk on her face that I fisted. Béatrice held my hand and calmed me down.

"But why did you hate her so much?" he lifted up his eyebrows.

I saw a slight shift in Jordan's emotion on his face, but he tried to be quiet and said, "No, I don't hate her".

Dan then showed him a picture of a person and asked, "Do you know him?" Jordan nodded, "No." I was wondering who this person would be.

Taylor now intimated him by raising her eyebrows towards him, “I can bring him here if you are not able to identify him in the photo”. I watched Jordan get tense and respond, "he's the drug supplier". Now I know him.

“Drug supplier to?”

"Carol... I paid him to provide her with drugs," he replied, bowing his head. Suddenly I heard a slap in the face. He was slapped by his mom. I know why Béatrice said it was going to be interesting. It's like watching a detective film with so much excitement.

Now she moved out to me and started asking me questions

“And you would be?”

"Jacintha, Carol's girlfriend," I didn't want to introduce myself with my mom and dad's name. She looked at me amazed and saw my parents. I understood her request.

I said, "Unfortunately, they are my parents. But, I would be happier to be called Carol's girlfriend". She gave me a smile.

"Since when are you guys together?"

"I have been friends with her since childhood as we are cousins but as a couple for several months", I answered her honestly.

"Cousin... what's your connection to her?" Now Dan's asking me.

"My mom is her dad's sister," I said frankly.

Now they have returned to Jordan. They gave him time to loosen up.

"So, Jordan, why do you hate your sister?" the question came again.

"Because she stole my girlfriend," he replied at once. I frowned at his answer because he hated her for so long, not when we started our relationship.

"Do you mean Jacinta?" asked Taylor.

“Yes”, he answered.

“Is it true Jacintha?”, Taylor asked me.

“She didn’t steal me from him. I had feelings for her that I didn't feel with jordan. Although I accepted Jordan as my boyfriend, I couldn't find love with him and I watched him cheat with another girl. I ended it with him and I didn't fall in love with Carol. She took me down for her through her actions," I smiled when I said that, "and I'm sure Jordan didn't hate her because of that."

Taylor nodded her head satisfied with my answer and back to Jordan, “But, you have been supplying drugs to Carol for more than 4 years”. Busted. He hasn't responded to anything. Then Taylor went to her parents, “Has Carol been going to Therapy?”

His father nodded and replied, But we still do not know why she became so. Only her doctor knows her condition”

Dan turned to Jordan and said, But Jordan is well aware of this. Isn't that right, Jordan?" Now his father's eyes have narrowed toward him expecting him to respond.

"We heard a confession of his friend." Your son has locked his friends into Carol’s room raping her to revenge her for taking up the business as heir from you”, Dan said which shocked everyone in the room including Carol’s friends. It seems that nobody, except me, knows.

"Tell me it's not true", his mother asked.

"This is true," I said in silence. "You know?" I was asked by his mother.  I was shaking my head as I reflected on my conversation with Carol. “Carol said everything to me”.

"You son of a bitch... you're so spoiled. I didn’t think you will go to this level”, her dad started beating him. He just remained silent.

"Jordan... do you know the penalty for it?" Taylor said in a stubborn voice.

"He forced me into it," Jordan admitted.  They? Who made him do this? So, someone has been behind all this.

“I haven’t seen his face. I only get instructions from him on my phone." he said and continued, "He will kill me if he discovers". He's got fear in his eyes.  Who the hell is this?

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