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He was going to throttle her!

first he would kiss her

And then he would throttle her. He couldn't understand how someone so small could cause him such a huge headache. Father was right…her wild sprit enthralled him! lured him to her, wanting to tame her. She was a fiery little minx with the way she huffed in obvious aggravation at his attitude and turned that little nose up at him. She challenged him and defied him, something he was not used to. He could make most men and demons quiver in fear.....yet here stood his mate who barely came up to his chest turn her nose up at him.

He eyed another guard who gave his mate a look of pure lust before looking at him and froze in fear. With a growl he placed a very possessive hand on the small of her back. Damn her for being so mouth watering that he felt like maybe his castle wouldn't be that safe for her after all.

He finally reached his chambers and ushered her in before calling for the maids. He gave a deep sigh then looked at Inuyasha who went by the window that she leapt out of. He growled at her in a warning.

"Oh pipe it down. I'm not going to jump. Believe it or not I trust your word that you wont try any thing funny with me until I'm ready"

"Funny?" He frowned. "Wanting to embrace my mate is funny to you?"

"It is when this mate still see's you as her older brother" she said leaning on the stone wall stilling looking out of the window "You just don't get it do you?" she said so softy that Sesshomaru went to stand on the other side of the window to look at her.

"What is it that I don't understand?" He questioned

"Do you want to know why I wanted the Shikon Jewel in the beginning?"

Indeed he remembers something about that. But never knew the reason to the whole story

She scowled at him

"I wanted to use it to make a wish to become a full blooded demon" she explained

"I figured that if I became a full blooded demon you would finally accept me. You see.....I always admired you Sesshomaru, not because of your bloodline but because of your strength and honour. When I was a child I dreamed of someday living here and getting to know you and in return getting to know what my father was like" her eyes grew sad

"I grew up hearing stories of his greatness and saw you in the same light. So when you rejected me...I figured that I would become a full blooded demon and you would see that I was worthy, and that I could be able to fight beside you…my brother. But now?" She sighed and looked up at him, making him swallow hard "I just don't know what the hell am I a suppose to feel or do. I'm not fully female yet…part of me is still stuck in a man's mind with a man's point of views"

He didn't know what to say to her. He now understood her resistance a bit more. Not knowing what else he could do for her Sesshomaru pulled her in to her arms needing to hold her. She stiffed as his muscular arms wrapped around her. "Shh... It's okay, I just want to hold you for a bit" he cooed

At first she just stayed stiff in his embrace but slowly she relaxed into him and eventually shyly she wrapped her small arms around his waist.

He stroked the top of her head wanting to smile every time her little ears twitch at my touch. Now that he got a good look at them, they really were quite adorable. Her hair was so soft and silky against his fingers that he found himself without thinking running his fingers though her thick tresses. He did that for a while, savoring having her in his arms and inhaling her scent that it wasn't until he felt her slump against him that he realized that he had managed to put her asleep with his touch alone.

He looked down at her to see her face relaxed in sleep his arms and chuckled…she fell asleep while he stroked her hair….like a kitten.

 A soft knock interrupted his thoughts as the two of his maids came into his chambers.

Both gasped and looked wide eyed at this display of intimacy between their Lord and this new arrival. He was sure that they must have see the resemblance in their hair and was sure that rumors where thick in the castle walls. Carrying Inuyasha he placed her on his bed tucking her into his covers before growling at the sight of her there. This was where she should have been over 50 years ago when her mother died, beside him and in his bed.

"My lord the bath is ready" they said bowing to him.

"Fine. Leave your Lady to rest, when she awakens make sure that she has a nice relaxing hot bath and then ring for me" He ordered.

"Yes my Lord" they both said respectfully

As he headed to the bathing chamber he was consumed by what Inuyasha told me. It was obvious that his past actions made her edgy and wary of him and his intentions towards her but she was also refusing to see him with a demon's point of view.

In her mind, He was still her brother and he knew humans saw those types of relationships as something taboo. So what was he going to do? Part of him wanted to just seduce her and take claim of that luscious body of hers and loose himself in her heat and scent until she was addicted to him

Then another part of him wanted to ease her slowly into a future with him, it was the least he could do to make amends for the many years of abuse and attempts on her life. He was not used to feeling conflicted but he had to have a tactic plan when it came to his feisty sister, he had too much to lose if he couldn't get her to accept him.

Soaking in the tub he thought of the way she had fallen asleep in his arms. She had to have trusted him enough for her to had done that, she was seeking comfort and found it in his arms. That alone gave him enough peace to hold his demon at bay for a while just enough to make her see him as her lifemate.

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