This is my very last chapter and this is getting really long. For my exclusive chapter to my followers.
*August - Five days until Jughead gets shot*
Stefan wakes up in the morning when he makes some coffee to prepare for the day.
Stefan: *leaves the house when he gets in the car and drives away*
Damon got out of the shower and changed his outfits after he checked his abs and took his picture on the phone.
Stefan: *drives to Elena's house and waits for Damon to come out*
Damon: *comes out of the house and gets in his car* So, ready for the big day?
Stefan: Elena is sleeping or she's up?
Damon: Sleep. I could barely be taking her out to eat in one night.
Stefan: Give herself a charmed. *drives away*
Damon: It feels like a new beginning.
Stefan: I know. Give me a good-ass smile.
Damon: No.
Stefan: *driving*
Damon: Stefan, why don't you close your mouth and go to sleep.
Stefan: What do you think even care? I can do it with my eyes closed.
Damon: *drives to Blossom's house* There's the place. *gets out of the car*
Stefan: *gets out of the car too*
Damon: Cheryl Blossom made the sketch paint her frames. She can do a lot of worth in her gallery. She couldn't pay it enough.
Stefan: *laughs a bit*
Damon: *knocking on the door*
Cheryl: *opens the door and sees them* Glad you came. Come in, boys.
Elena: *looking out the window at home while the dog comes to her at the window and paddled the dog*
Josie reads more spells throughout the book until Bonnie showed up.
Bonnie: Hey, what's up?
Josie: Study more power. As much as I leave the town until the summer is over.
Bonnie: I will miss you.
Josie: I'm just started my own thing. Bryant is outside doing exercise with Caroline.
Bryant: *shoots the archery*
Caroline: I wondering-
Bryant: Your right about your daughter's advice. I told her to keep control and make good behavior.
Caroline: I agree.
Bryant: We've been going through a hard time for all of these years.
Caroline: *hearing*
Bonnie: *comes outside* We all are. Everybody has gotten loved and hated each other.
Caroline: *nods*
Bonnie: Caroline, remember we first met while we were young?
Caroline: *holds her hand* And, us and Elena we just went to the high school together.
Riverdale: Ghost Town
Misteri / ThrillerThe series follows the same events in Riverdale. Both the small towns of Riverdale and Greendale explore the darkness hidden behind its seemingly perfect image, giving them all a false sense of power while creating a path of city streets. This is fo...