The Defeated and The New

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In the beginning, the First Star gave birth to the universe and all life. To protect its creations and ensure the cycle of life would continue for eternity, the First Star entrusted individuals iron-willed and pure of heart with fragments of its essence-starlight-as protectors of the universe throughout the ages.

Powerful and striking, these Star Guardians are living supernovas who vanquish the terrors of the galaxy with wondrous powers. However, their fantastic existence comes at a cost: they are bound to the First Star's cause, and must fight until they perish or fall. They do not age, they do not die of natural causes.

To help combat the loss of Star Guardians, The First Star created the Dark Star Knights. These warriors are chosen to protect the Star Guardians from becoming consumed by the Darkness and lost forever in it's hold. Your story began when you became a Dark Star Guardian.

And it ended when you failed.

You recalled what happened clearly. Almost like you were watching the same movie again. Back to back on repeat. The sights, the sounds, the smells, the swirling myriad of emotions that rushed through your mind as the screams echoed.

You tasted the blood in your mouth again. The dust against your skin.

???: Y-Y/N.....

You tried to look up the best you could. Your vision was blurred and slightly blocked by your visor. Your armor was broken in several places and you felt entirely numb. You tried to at least lift your arm, but you couldn't. It was too much.

The wind around you only grew worse as you did your best to try and get to your feet.

You had to save them.

You had to stop this.

You had to save them all.

???: Y/N....

Get up, Y/N. You need to get up. You repeated those words in your head as you tried to get to your feet. The entire world around you was growing darker. Your injuries were getting worse and your vision was dimming. You were losing too much blood.

You could see the scattered bodies of your friends among the rubble of what was once a beautiful moon. It was now a battlefield of destruction. You had failed. You were going to die here. Not just you, but those you were supposed to protect, on a lonely moon far from the lights of Valoran City.

???: You were all fools to try and challenge me. You should have known better.

That laughter. That horrible, haunting laughter. It was constantly playing over and over and over and over in your mind. It was a reminder. A reminder of how you failed.

You had failed.

You had failed.

You failed.

You failed.

You failed!

You failed!




???: Y/N....


???: Y/N!

Your eyes shot open and you flinched at the sudden touch of another person.

You rolled over to see who had shook you awake. You found a familiar face standing next to your bed, already dressed for the day, staring at you with concerned eyes. Those same eyes that burnt a hole through your soul even though they didn't mean to. The reminder that you had lost three of your friends because you were too weak.

Star Guardian: Burning Bright Arc (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now