Sleepy (Mick x Nikki)

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Mick was in the living room late at night. He was lying on the couch reading a book. It was only him and Nikki at home, Tommy and Vince took their girlfriends out of town for a few days.

Mick heard a door open down the hall. He looked over to see Nikki with a frightened but exhausted look in his eyes.

"Nik? What're you doing up?" Mick put his book on the floor, sitting up slightly.

"Can I stay up with you?" Nikki sat down next to Mick. He looked sweaty.

"Did you have another nightmare?" Mick asked carefully.

Nikki had these frequently. He often woke up screaming and out of breath.

Mick has a soft spot for Mötley's troubled bassist. He knew what it was like to be a little messed up in the head. Mick usually went to Nikki's aid when he had nightmares, he just needed someone to listen and someone to cry on, and that wasn't Vince or Tommy.

Nikki completely confided in Mick. Told him everything. Probably a bit too much, Mick knows him like the back of his hand.

"It's two AM... what're you doing up still?" Nikki tried shifting the attention.

"My back hurts... just wasn't comfortable." Mick sat up, looking at Nikki.

"Mick?" Nikki looked at Mick, his green eyes glossing over. "Why do you care about me so much? Like you're always with me when I have nightmares and stuff"

"It's too dark in there for you" Mick tapped Nikki's forehead.


"Yes Nikki" Mick spoke softly.

"I'm lonely..." Nikki rested his head on Mick's shoulder.

"I know Sixx... me too..." Mick whispered.

"Can I stay up with you?" Nikki made no attempt to move.

"Hey... let's go for a drive" Mick suggested. "I think you need some fresh air."

Mick gestured for them to stand up. He grabbed his jacket and keys. Nikki got up and slipped some shoes on, following Mick down to his Corvette. The low rumble almost lulling Nikki to sleep immediately. Mick put on some low music and drove off away from the city.


The wind blew gently through their hair. Nikki passed out a while ago. Mick drove down some road that overlooked the city, driving avoiding potholes so Nikki didn't wake up.

Mick drove and drove until Nikki started stirring again.

"Hey Nik"

"Hey man..." Nikki was quiet for a moment. "Thank you for this... this was nice"

"I do it all the time when I can't sleep. Whenever you want to go on a drive, we can" Mick looked over at Nikki, a soft look in his eyes. "Ready to go home?" Mick looked at his watch. It was a little after 4 AM.

Nikki nodded sleepily. Mick smiled softly and drove them home. Nikki fell back asleep, but woke up when he heard Mick turn off the engine.

"Can I lay with you?" Nikki asked nervously. Mick just nodded and led them to his bedroom.

Mick's room was the darkest one in the apartment. He turned on a lamp and closed his curtains back up.

"C'm'ere" Mick patted the space next to him.

Nikki hesitated to lay close to Mick.

"Am I too close?" Nikki asked, worried he was invading Mick's space.

"Get over here" Mick tugged on Nikki's shirt sleeve.

Nikki inched his way closer to Mick until he dropped the grip on his shirt. He softly rested his head on Mick's chest.

"I got you, Nikki. I got you..."

"Why do you understand me so much?" Nikki's voice cracked a little.

"Someone needs to, we've both been dragged through some shit"

"Mick?" Nikki looked up at Mick, getting a rare glimpse of Mick's sharp blue eyes.

"You... you have pretty eyes" That's not what Nikki meant to say, but he got completely distracted. Mick chuckled silently. "I... I didn't mean... ah..." Nikki trailed off. He gave up and hid back in Mick's chest and huffed.

"Nikki?" Nikki hesitantly looked back up at Mick. "You've got a pretty face" There was the slightest smile on Mick's face.

Mick slowly stroked Nikki's cheek with his pinky finger.

"Go to sleep Sixx, I'm still gonna be here" Mick twirled one of Nikki's thick black locks around his finger.

Nikki felt so safe when he was around Mick. Like he was actually wanted to be kept around. Maybe one day Nikki would tell Mick how he felt. Nikki hugged Mick lightly, but securely, letting one of his linger on Mick's waist and the other curled up around Mick's shoulder.

Mick still stayed awake after Nikki fell asleep. He lazily combed through Nikki's hair. He had come to terms with how he felt about Nikki. He kept Mick grounded with reality, made him forget about the back pain, and stayed with him when he was so strung out on pain meds that he had a schizophrenic episode. Nikki never brought it up after it happened. Nikki seemed to understand him, and he understood Nikki. He softly scratched Nikki's scalp as he softly purred in his sleep. He pressed a soft kiss to Nikki's forehead before falling asleep.

The next night, Mick was laying on the sofa, reading. He smiled when he heard the soft footsteps come down the hall.

"Hey there Sixx"

Nikki didn't say anything, he just situated himself on the inside of the sofa, snuggling up to Mick.

"Nightmare?" Mick asked, resting his book on Nikki's back.

"No... just, missed you... I wanna be able to wake up next to you all the time" Nikki sat up a little, looking at Mick.

"Why don't you?" Mick asked, slowly bringing up a hand to cup Sixx's cheek.

"You'll let me?"

"I'll let you do whatever you want"

"What if... what I want, isn't what you want?" Nikki's voice was laced with nerves.

"What do you want?" Mick whispered.

"I want..." Nikki sighed. "You... Mick"

"I want you too" Mick whispered.

Nikki leaned forward until their noses touched.

"What if we don't have to be lonely anymore?"

"I'll never be lonely with you around" Mick brushed his nose against Nikki's.

"Wh-what if-"

"You worry too much"

Mick pulled Nikki closer and closed the gap between them. They sighed into each other's mouths. Nikki's lips were so soft and full. He tangled his fingers in Sixx's hair.

Nikki licked at Mick's lips, working his mouth open. They gently massaged each other's tongues and mapped out the other's mouths. Nikki pulled away, his face was flushed and lips were well kissed.

"Stay with me" Mick whispered, keeping his grip on Nikki's hair.

Nikki just nodded and kissed Mick gently and deep, caressing Mick's body gently.

They eventually pulled away for air once more. Nikki nuzzled his face in Mick's long hair. They both fell asleep around the same time.


Vince and Tommy came home to find Mick still laying on the sofa, and with his hand buried deep in Nikki's hair, and Nikki's hands securely around Mick, both still sleeping their day away.

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