Cuddles (Axl/Vince)

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Vince yawned quietly. He groaned. Woke up too early. He looked at his boyfriend, who had his back towards him. He reached out slowly and touched his hair, which was in a loose ponytail, softly, and slipped out of bed.

He stood over the stovetop range. He wanted to surprise his boyfriend, Axl, with breakfast in bed.

Axl wasn't affectionate by any means. But Vince could tell that he appreciated the gestures, just didn't know how to return any of them.

Sometimes Axl let's Vince lay in his lap all day and some days he doesn't like being touched at all and curls up in the corner of the couch. He says he's getting better though, and Vince agreed to hold his hand all the way through anything.

He pushed the eggs around in the pan, waiting for them to cook. He heard their bedroom floor creek a bit, and soon felt a warm pair of arms wrap around him. He was a little surprised. Axl was never a morning person, let alone an affectionate morning person.

"I didn't mean to wake you, I'm sorry" Vince said quietly.

"You weren't there..." Axl said in a small voice. "I didn't know where you were"

"I'm here, honey" Vince said in a soft voice. He tilted his head to press their cheeks together. "You can go sit, I'll bring you breakfast"

Axl didn't budge, he only wrapped his tighter around Vince, sticking his hands through Vince's hoodie pocket. He tucked his head into his boyfriends neck and took a deep breath.

Vince turned off the stove and turned around, hugging his boyfriend close. He rubbed his back and neck, kissing his cheek gently.

"You want to eat a little bit and go lay back down?" Vince asked.

Axl nodded but it didn't seem like he was going to let Vince go anytime soon. Vince grabbed a nearby fork and stuck some egg on it. They fed each other scrambled eggs out of the pan. No more words were traded as they finished and retreated back to their bedroom.

Axl buried his head in Vince's chest and wrapped his arms underneath Vince's sweatshirt, letting his hands rest on his shoulder blades. He groaned softly when Vince's fingers found their way into his hair, scratching away every worry he had.

"Wanna tell me what's goin on?" Vince asked.

Axl sighed deeply before replying, nuzzling his ear to Vince's chest to hear his heart.

"I missed you. I woke up and you weren't here" Axl said quietly. "Didn't know where you went..."

"I'm right here, baby... ain't gonna go nowhere without you" Vince said warmly.

"Lemme take you on a date today"
Axl said. "Anywhere you want" he looked up at Vince.

"Honey what's goin on with you?" Vince questioned.

"I haven't been a good boyfriend... at all... and... I just wanna show you how much I love you" he held Vince tight.

"Sugar... you ain't gotta do stuff like that for me" Vince rubbed Axl's back and kissed his head. "I love you. You're the best boyfriend I could ever want. You're my dream, baby..." he said warmly.

"I don't-I-" Axl's voice started cracking.

"Shh... I love you baby, so so much" Vince cooed.

Axl took a deep breath and sobbed hard into Vince's chest. Vince almost didn't know what to do. Axl's never let himself be vulnerable where someone could see him. So he did the only thing he could think of, and caged himself around Axl.

"Shh..." Vince pressed his cheek against the top of Axl's head. He rubbed his head and back and tangled their legs tightly together.

"Let me go!" Axl cried in anguish. He weakly tried pushing Vince away.

"No, no, not this time" Vince said quietly. "I love you, and I'm here for you, all the time"

"I love you so much" Axl whined.

"Breathe with me, baby" Vince soothed.

"I am fuckin breathin!" Axl spat, trying to catch his breath.

"Don't be stubborn, no you're not" Vince said gently. He pressed Axl's head into his chest, right on his heart. "Breathe for me. Please, baby..." he whispered. "I love you... I'm not gonna let anything happen"

Axl let his body slump and relax into Vince.

"When're you gonna realize that I ain't gonna leave ya?" Vince asked.

"You will one day... everyone does..." Axl flipped himself over and had his back to Vince.

"Baby..." Vince cooed. "Don't be so stubborn" he kissed behind Axl's ear. "Roll back over"

He rolled Axl back over and pulled him on top.

"You done bein a baby?" Vince asked.

"No" Axl pouted.

"Ah huh... you know, you are pretty cute when you're mad" Vince teased. Axl flicked his eyes up and glared playfully into Vince's. "Cmon, you said you were takin me on a date"

"Yeah, I did" Axl sniffled. "Where do ya wanna go?" He asked, he swiped his thump across Vince's bottom lip.

"I think..." Vince purred. "We order take out later... shut the blinds... stay in our comfy clothes" he pecked Axl's lips gently. "Turn in the AC a bit more so we can snuggle up under the blankets"

"I'm sorry I'm hard to deal with" Axl whispered, tucking his head into Vince's chest.

"It's okay baby, I gotta whole lotta love and it's all for you honey" Vince drawled in his California accent. "Ain't nothin gonna keep me from lovin you" he kissed Axl's nose. "Cmon, let's get up"

Vince slowly got off the bed, coaxing Axl up with him. They got out their warmest blankets and turned down the heat on their way back to the living room.

Vince laid on the couch and let Axl settle on top of him. He pawed around for the tv remote and found a movie to watch. He rubbed Axl's back until he fell back asleep.

It wasn't often that Axl was in a snuggly mood, so Vince took advantage of it every time to get some cuddle time with his boyfriend. He soon fell asleep too.

Axl woke up a couple hours later, feeling hungry. He carefully got off Vince's chest, noticing he was still sleeping. He picked up their cat who was also sleeping on the chair and put him on Vince's chest.

He quietly scrounged around in the kitchen, it was well past noon and he decided he'd make lunch for the two of them, and then order dinner later.

He stirred the soup he made and looked back at his boyfriend, who was slowly starting to wake. He quickly put the sandwiches on the pan to toast.

Vince made sure to rattle something as he got up, as to not send Axl into a fight or flight mode. He walked up behind him, bumping into a chair to make him presence known, and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend.

"You didn't have to cook" Vince said, nuzzling into Axl's neck.

"I know, but I got hungry, and you made breakfast, so" Axl said, putting the soup in bowls. "Go sit" he turned his head to kiss Vince on the cheek.

"Want to watch a movie?" Vince asked.

"Ooh, somethin scary?" Axl asked, he batted his eyelashes a couple times.

"I'll go find somethin scary" Vince pecked his boyfriend's cheek before going back into the living room.

Vince shut the blinds and turned off any lamps, turning on one of Axl's favorite movies.

After lunch, they went back to snuggling and snoozing, and spent the rest of the day in each others arms.

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