Journals (Nikki/Mick)

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Unofficial prequel to You Scared Me!

Nikki was nose deep in what looked like half way through his fourth notebook. He was muttering creepily coherent nonsense, running pens out of ink, and drowning in Jack Daniel's.

April 28, 1987 Van Nuys 11:40 a.m

This morning I woke up with my shotgun in bed with me. The girls have stopped coming around, and now I'm sleeping with a gun. Then I remembered putting the gun in my mouth last night and considering pulling the trigger just to stop the insanity... I want to shut my head down and make it stop.

Somehow I've gone from a person who laughs at people considering suicide to a person who is considering suicide himself...some fucking progress.


The new shutters are fucking cool.

He looked over at the shotgun next to him. His head shot up to his phone, he looked at it until his neglected answering machine picked it up.

"Nikki? I'm about to bust down your front door, fucker". It was Mick. "You've got a half an hour."

Mick had been trying to call him for two weeks. Today was the last straw. He felt something was up. Something bad. Mick arrived exactly a half an hour later. He tried the door handle and it was unsurprisingly locked, but for some godforsaken reason, Nikki kept a key under his "Go Away" mat.

"Sixx?" Mick called out. He visibly cringed.

Nikki's place was trashed. Syringes everywhere, burnt spoons, matches, lighters. His kitchen was spotless, Mick figured Nikki just never went in there.

"Fucker, where are you?" Mick called out again. He heard some noise down the hallway.

"Oh fuck" Mick said to himself.

Nikki was slumped over, a neglected needle still in his arm. Mick went over and gently removed it, throwing it in a pile of other discarded needles. His arms were riddled with pinholes. Nikki smelled like death. Mick's heart dropped a bit when he realized Nikki was gripping the shotgun next to him. He gently slid it out of Nikki's grip and put it under his bed.

"Nikki?" Mick gently put his hand under Nikki's chin and tilted his head towards him.

Nikki's eyes were open, but they were glossed over and empty. He lowered Nikki's head and sat next to him.

"How do you do it...?" Nikki croaked.

"Do what?" Mick's voice was barely above a whisper.

"Deal with... everything." Nikki slumped back against Mick.

"I... because I have to" Mick replied.

Nikki scooted his journal into Mick's lap, letting him read his latest journal entry.

"Cmon... you need a shower" Mick tried combing his fingers through Nikki's knotted hair.

"Ss broken..." Nikki mumbled.

Mick made an unsurprised face and got up to check out the situation. The shower head was broken, but the tap still worked. He ran warm water and went to go get Nikki.

"Woah, what the fuck!" Mick held his hands up in surrender when he rounded the corner into Nikki's bedroom.

Nikki was sat up on his bed holding his shotgun... except the shotgun was still under the bed, and he wasn't holding anything at all. He cocked his invisible shotgun and pointed it at Mick.

"Nikki, what the fuck are you doing?" Mick kept his hands up, fully knowing Nikki wasn't even holding anything.

"The cops are outside, there's people outside, they're gonna get in!" Nikki shouted. "Don't let them in!"

Mick looked down the hall and went into the living room, leaking through the shutters.

"Nikki, there's no one here" Mick popped his head around Nikki's doorway. "Cmon, bath, now" Mick snapped his fingers a couple times.

Nikki sat in the bath with Mick digging his fingers into his hair and washing the disease away for the time being. After washing his hair, and changing the water a couple times, Mick managed to find a shaving razor. Nikki was looking pretty scruffy.

"Now you're all pretty, Nikki" Mick offered a kind smile, earning a dopey one from Nikki. "You, are gonna get dressed. I'm gonna call someone to clean your gross apartment, and you're gonna stay with me for the time being. Got it? Good" Mick ruffled Nikki's wet hair as he got off the bathroom floor.

Mick found Nikki some comfortable clothes and went down the hall to call somebody. After getting off the phone, he went to check on Nikki, who was still sitting in a bath full of water, staring at his dry clothes.

"Okay... get up, cmon" Mick held out his hands and pulled Nikki out of the bath, getting wet in the process.

"M sorry Mick..." Nikki apologized as he dripped water everywhere, not to mention he was still completely naked and leaning up against Mick.

"It's okay, Nikki. Cmon, let's get you dressed."

Mick lead Nikki back into his bedroom and got him changed into some jeans and a button up shirt. Mick had to take off his own belt and sling it around Nikki's waist, Nikki lost so much weight that nothing even fit anymore. After getting Nikki dressed, Mick had him gather things he wanted to take with him. Mick noticed he grabbed some journals, pens, and a few other random things. He knew Nikki grabbed a few heroin rigs, but didn't say anything, he knew Nikki wasn't ready to quit, but he was still going to be there for Nikki. Mick took it upon himself to gather clothes for Nikki, he'd probably have to call Tommy to see if Nikki can borrow some of his clothes, they'd probably fit better than Nikki's own clothes.


Mick managed to get him and Nikki to his apartment, and get Nikki into his spare bedroom for some sleep. It was clean, cool, and quiet. Nikki fell asleep pretty quickly. Mick sat with him, brushing his hair once in a while. At some point, Nikki turned over and wrapped himself around Mick's torso. He figured that Nikki just wanted some love and affection, so he did.

Mick stroked Nikki's neck, cheeks, forehead, and dug his fingers in his hair while he slept.

At one point, Nikki started twitching really bad and mumbling in his sleep. Mick figured out he was having a bad nightmare and held him closer, whispering things in his ear and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Nikki nuzzled his way into the crook of Mick's neck and calmed back down. Mick fell asleep a while after Nikki, keeping him close and safe.

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