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Marinette sighed when she got to her dorm room, falling flaccid across her bed and playing with the lovely piece of jewelry that draped across her neck. She couldn't believe Luka had said that, she would never choose him over Adrien even though he was probably the more stable option.

She didn't care. She wanted Adrien and that was that.

He didn't answer any of her messages or calls, and after having a mini panic attack and indulging in her leftover ice cream that was in her mini fridge... She decided to ignore the feeling that told her something bad was bound to happen. Adrien would understand once she explained, and his reaction was understandable.

After putting herself in his shoes she knew that she would probably leave too, but come back later and hear him out. That was probably what Adrien was planning to do and she was just fine with it. Luka meant nothing to her, even though it was harsh to think that it was true. She loved Adrien.


Adrien knew nothing good would come out of the thing he was about to do... He was also drunk out of his mind and had apparently relapsed to his old decision making habits. It was also unfair and kind of fucked up that he depended so much on Marinette to help him lose those specific habits...

Adrien pulled out a condom from his wallet, and watched as Jasmine bit her lip and pulled aside her underwear. They were in the back of his car, because he didn't really want to step into his dorm room where he was constantly reminded of Marinette. Her scent had inevitably stuck to his bed, and it had become a place for just the two of them.

Not for someone like Jasmine, who knew that he was just using her and didn't really mind because he was labeled an Agreste. It was really fucked up when he thought about it, and it made him despise himself even more. His hands slid underneath her purple skirt to pull her legs apart, not bothering to look at her face because... well he just didn't want to.

"Fuck-- oh my God..." Jasmine gasped as he slipped himself all the way in. "You're so big..." She breathed, holding onto his neck and shifting to adjust. "I've never had anyone this big before..." She spoke, what the hell was he supposed to say to that? "Ah..." She grinned when he began moving back and forth.

He could hear the slight crunching of the condom every time he thrusted into her, and it made him cringe. His hand slid up her body before he gripped the side of her ribs, wishing he could block out the obnoxiously forced moans that left her mouth. It was sickening really, because the more aware he became of the situation the more he began to regret what he was doing.


When Adrien got home that night he felt sick to his stomach, like enough to throw up. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, wondering how much longer he could live with himself. It wasn't Jasmine, or the betrayal that contested and sickened him, it was that fact that he knew no matter what he did...

He'd still love her.

Adrien wasn't just angry about Marinette and Luka, he was also depressed, and heartbroken. All the times that Marinette had consoled him, comforted him, pretended to be there for him... none of it was real. After his failed attempt at somehow trying to get even with Marinette... his affair with Jasmine only made him crave his lovely girlfriend even more.

The thought if her possibly having intercourse with Luka made him want to vomit, in fact... Adrien felt sick, rushing towards the bathroom and emptying his stomach into the toilet.

It somehow made him feel better afterwards, sitting on his shower floor and letting his blonde locks soak in the water. He could feel the hot water on every inch of his skin, as he thought about the mistake he made with Jasmine. He couldn't believe that he had cheated on Marinette... That after everything they did together she... Betrayed him.

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