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Okay this is supposed to be when Harry is in his second year and all the boys are eleven and so are Alivia and Ally. Charlytown might be real I don't know I just made it up. So, this is going to include Ginny and Harry saving her. It's just a twist to book 2 so no hate! Enjoy! Also, I know a lot of fanfics use this and I am not ripping them off but Harry Styles is going to be refered to as Hazza with Harry Potter being Harry if they are in the same chapter. It'll say Harry Styles refered to as Harry/Hazza in the beginning so here we go!

Harry Styles refered to as Harry


Alivia walked down the stairs of her house and walked outside to grab the paper. Instead she found her father's magazines, some bills and a thick letter. She flipped through the bills and looked at the thicker letter. It was quality parchment and a cream color with green ink spelling out:

Ms. A Kently

152 Lentsworth drive

Charlytown, New York

The front bedroom

She wondered how someone knew her exact room and almost no one knew about Charlytown as it had a population of a little over 3,000 which isn't much. She walked back inside and to the kitchen, where her father was drinking a beer, at seven in the morning. Alivia was used to this sight. She handed her dad everything and started on making breakfast.

"What's this?" he asked around his cigarette. He held up the thick letter addressed to Alivia.

"Don't know. Can I read it?" she asked. She outstretched her arm, but her father only burnt her hand with his cigarette. She pulled her hand back. For eleven, she had to go through a lot. She watched her father take out his lighter and burn the letter in an ash tray.

"Like your mother" he grunted and Alivia walked away. She got dressed and sneaked out of the house to meet her friend at the park. When she got close enough, she saw a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes reading a book. She sat next to her and looked at the book.

"What are you reading now, Ally?" Alivia asked.

"Um, The Fault In Our Stars" Ally said not removing her eyes from the page, but tilting her face so Alivia could see her.

"Nice. Haven't you read that one two times before?" Alivia asked.

"Three" Ally said.

"Ally, I got this weird letter. It had my name and address on it including the fact my bedroom was the front one. Also, it was written in green ink like a fountian pen and on thick . . . parchment I guess" Alivia said looking at the blue sky.

"Same but Dad threw it out" Ally said closing her book.

"Mine burned it" I said. She laughed a little bit and Alivia smiled back.

"He burned you again didn't he?" Ally asked. Alivia looked down and nodded.

"One day we'll both get out of here" Ally said.

"And me authors togeher" Alivia said while smiling.

"And forget the past" Ally added. They smiled and walked down the park, Alivia talking about a caandy store and making huge gestures with her hands and Ally throwing Alivia her backpack.

Somewhere else there were five boys getting the same letter. One of these boys was Harry Styles.

"Harry! You've got a letter!" Anne yelled. Harry ran down the stairs and grabbed the thick parchment.

"Mum, who's this from?" Harry asked.

"Don't know. Read it" Anne said and left. Harry opened the letter and read it.

"Mum! Quick!" Harry yelled a grin on his face. His mother read the letter and hugged her son.

"My little boy a big brave wizard! I knew your father wasn't lying about being a wizard" Anne said.

"What?" Harry's father asked.

"I got accepted to Hogwarts!" Harry yelled at his dad.

"I went there and go put in Hufflepuff" he said. Harry smiled and looked up at his parents. In Yorkshire two boys were opening their letters, having the same reaction. Louis and Zayn both freaked out as their Mum or Dad was a witch or wizard. Same happened with Liam Payne and Niall Horan, but Ally and Alivia wouldn't know what was in those letters they recieved . . . that is until one night at the park

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