2. Plan

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This is a chapter 2, it's called the plan

The day before the dance

Alexandra's POV: Before I went to the dance, I got a note that the guardian of the vampires & huskies, she wanted me to come to the cave. So, I snuck out of my room quietly hoping to not wake my mom, Avery or my dad. The guardian gave me a magical flower, she told me that I would give wynter, I'd tried to ask her about the flower but she told me to ask her questions about the flower but she refused to not tell me. So I went out of the cave of the guardian of the vampires & huskies then I went back home.

Now present time: After the dance, the next morning, wynter was very happy for no reason she never told wyatt & willa what happened that day

Wynter's POV: I was very happy for some reason of what Alexis told me but I never told wyatt & willa what happened that day, I was humming when the twins came. "Hey guys what's up?" I asked them when they walked towards me. "Someone's happy today." Willa said. "Okay, who are you & what have you done with the real Wynter?" Wyatt said jokingly to me. "Wyatt it's still me." I said giggling at the joke I thought it was a little bit funny then I walked away happily, going to class.

Nobody's POV: The twins noticed the moonlight flower in Wynter's hair, Wyatt taps on his sister shoulder. "Willa, is that-." He started but then Willa cuts him off. "Hush." She stopped him, he looked confused as why she stopped his question. They went back to the conversation about joking about wynter changing, the happy wolf smiles & walks away happily. Wyatt noticed that the flower had changed different colors.

Wyatt's POV: "Now can we talk about that flower." I asked her. "Yep." Willa said. "Where did she get that flower from?" I asked her. "You should already know who Wy." She said as she called me by my nickname. "I know but still how did Alexis get that flower anyway, no one has ever seen that flower in years by werewolf standards." I'd explained to her. "I mean it can grow in different areas at different times, bucky got me one for our first date." She said as we walked to lunch. "That's nice but that flower seems & looks different." I said. "It was purple and blue right?" She asked me. "It was but when she walked away it changed to red, black & blue." I told her. "Weird, maybe we should find Alex." She told me as I nodded my head. So we went to lunch then after we went to find Alexis

Nobody's POV: Later the twins went to find Alexis & they did but she went into a cave. "Ms Guardian, I...gave her the flower but the flower isn't gonna hurt wynter right." Alexandra said, sounding worried. The Guardian; Kelly, leader of the vampires & the huskies. "That doesn't matter, wolves are our greatest enemies." Kelly said. "But...wynter didn't do anything wrong neither did her pack." Alexis said defending the wolves. "I don't care, the wolves have always crossed into our way, time to get rid of them."Kelly said as the twins both look at each other."Can I go home now ma'am?"Alexandra said. "She is so gonna get it." Wyatt said as his eyes glowed then willa nods & they left. "Yes." Kelly said as Alexis went house. Back at the den, Wynter hums & brushes her hair then her flower changed to blue & purple, Willa & Wyatt came through the window which kinda scared the vampire hybrid. "We know what you are up to!" Willa said angrily. The vampire hybrid looks at them. "What are you talking about?" She asked. "Don't play dumb?!" Wyatt said with anger as well. "I don't know what you guys are talk-."Alexis started but was cut off by one of the twins, it was Willa. "The flower that you gave wynter, it wasn't moonlight flower......It was something to hurt us. Now tell us, what type of flower that is!" Willa said as her eyes glowed. "I don't know the guardian gave it to me & just told me to give her." The hybrid confessed to them. "And you didn't question single thing?!" Willa said. "I tried to but she said no questions look, I don't know what the flower actually is." Alexandra said. "But, why did you give it to wynter?" The alpha asked her. "I thought it was moonlight flower & I thought it would look pretty in her hair but since it's not." Alexandra said as she gives them a book on ancient flowers then continues. "Here take this find what type of flower it is & give it back to me at my house tomorrow." She said as they took the book glaring at her. "If anything happens to wynter because of that flower I will rip your throat out!" The alpha said angrily again as her eyes glowed brightly, growling then her & Wyatt left & went to the den. Alexis was worried, twins went through the book & found the flower & what it is then they went to talk to Wynter.

That was chapter 2
I hope you enjoyed it
That's all for now
See ya later
Bye my zombies fans

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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