chapter thirteen

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Harry Styles

Gasping for air, I lift my head above the water, basically splashing around wildly with my arms and legs. I look around, but all I see is a huge crowd of people surrounding the scene. There must be at least thirty people, all standing the same- hands covering their mouths in shock, staring directly at me. Scanning the water, I find Calum's head rising up.

I hadn't been able to save her. At least, not with the amount of air I managed to trap in my lungs.

Without checking up on Calum, I start shouting at him, "go see if you can get Luke out! I'll get Beth!" And with that, I go under again, making sure to have inhaled deeply. The world around me goes dark, and even when I open my eyes, it's hard to see where I am clearly. I hope the car hasn't sunken down too much while I was out there catching my breath.

I scan my surroundings until I find the black bronco. I swim toward the vehicle as fast as I can. I'm already starting to feel a slight ache in my arm muscles from trying to swim faster than I can manage. Pushing myself in through the window when I reach the vehicle, I spot Beth and Luke almost curled up together on one seat.

I assume she tried to safe him. I squeeze my arms under her body to lift her up. It's going to be more complicated to get her out than I anticipated. I realized that when I swam through the window. For a second, I just stare at her as she lays I my arms. She looks so peaceful, getting eyes are closed and her pink lips slightly parted.

I clumsily start pushing myself through the window with my legs. Calum swims in through the opposite window right as I leave. He reached for Luke and easily lifts him up. I start swimming towards the surface, kicking my feet as I keep her safe in my arms.

When I look up, the world's starting starting get brighter and I begin to feel desperate for oxygen. I kick faster with my legs despite the cramp that I feel building up. They trained me for cases like this, but it's never gotten easier for me.

Finally reaching the surface, I kick myself above the water, grunting and gasping for air dramatically. I start shouting at the people watching me. First my voice comes out shaky and weak. When I shout again, they hear me.

"Help me get her out!" I yell for a third time when they didn't respond to the second. They finally do as I hoped and gather around a steal stair leading onto the sidewalk. I force myself to them. My cramp has reached it's breaking point and is now spreading through both my legs. When I reach the stairs, everyone hurriedly reaches out their arms and pull Beth out of the water. Even though my body is on the verge of giving up, I go underwater to try check on Calum and Luke.

Through the darkness, I see two bodies rising up and I immediately go back up and pull myself up the stairs. A couple people left instantly help me and lift me up after I harshly made contact with the ground. I notice them vaguely shouting to each other, probably because they need someone to help Luke and Calum out.

Being held up by two strange women that's I've never in my life seen before I start trying to move towards the group that's formed around Beth. When I get there she's laid on the ground and a strange man is checking her pulse. I reach with one arm for the man and only when he turns around, I notice that it's Liam.

"Her pulse is stable but we'll need to get her onto the boat as soon as possible. You too mate, you don't look much better than her yourself" He says as I crouch down beside her body. I bring my hands to her face and cup her cheeks. I gently shake her head and mumble her name until she finally brings her head up and coughs out all the water she'd inhaled.

Liam sits her up after demanding to everyone to make some space for us. I'm pretty sure he doesn't want me here and I guess I could understand. But I won't let myself be taken care of unless I know that she's alright and I don't know why. It seems obvious to me, but apperantly Liam doesn't think so. Michael and Niall both scoop an arm around me and start escorting me away.

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