Chapter 16: confessions in a trailer...

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Gaten was one of the first to wake up the following morning. Slipping oh so quietly out of his sleeping bag, he peered over his friends. He smiled at Willow and Sadie sleepily cuddling under many blankets.

To get some fresh air, he went outside to a sunny sky, a stark comparison to the gloomy weather the previous day. That's when he heard the footsteps of Noah, Millie, Caleb and Finn.

"Hey what are you guys doing out here?"

"We have a plan." said Millie with eyes of determination. Gaten was hesitant at first to listen, but he caved "ok ... hit me."

Caleb stepped foward, "what if... we lock Sadie and Willow in the trailer?" Gaten looked in shock at his four friends. "Dude what are you talking about??!"

"So we can get Sadie and Willow to confess. Cmon you know both of them well enough to know neither one is too scared to admit feelings. Let's do this. Let's make their happy ending happen, yah?"

Gaten pondered for a bit tapping his foot. That is until he rose his hands in surrender "ok fine, but if they get bad it's all on you." The group of four cheered and quickly locked the door.

At the lock of the door, Willow woke up very confused to nobody around besides Sadie, sleeping soundly in her lap. "sades" she whispered. However, she didn't answer so Willow shook her slightly "Sades? You awake?"

Sadie let out a groan "ughhh no 5 more minutes!!" Willow felt panicked and stated to shake fearfully at the absence of her friends.  "Sadie everyone is gone!!" At the brunette's sense of urgently, Sadie awoke and rubbed her eyes. "Hey hey it's ok I'm sure they are just out for brunch and didn't wanna wake us. I'm usually a morning person but we stayed hit so late last night!! Remember?" That's when Willow recalled their karaoke night the night prior... until three in the likening. "Right!"

Sadie rubbed Willow's arm and said "hey why don't we go and find them yah? I am starving I know a cool vegan breakfast place!" Willow was liking that sound of this, that is until Sadie couldn't get the door to budge at the door if the trailer.

"Hey let me try!" Willow walked over and she couldn't get the door open. "What gives??" That's when both girls heard a knock at the door on a stool facing the window. "LOOK AT YOUR PHONES!!" it was Gaten trying to tell them a message, but they couldn't hear. That's why both their phones dinged.

Mission: Make Wadie HAPPEN

Gaten 🌊
You both like each other. Now confess or you'll be locked in the trailer forever. This is for your own good, LOVE YA BOTH!

Both girls looked up from their phones and screamed "GATEN!!!!" prompting the rest of the group to laugh outside the door. "You saw what he texted, so get to it!" said Millie. Sadie spoke first.

"Is it true?"

"Uhhhh" Willows eyes wandered anywhere but in the direction of Sadie. She was really really nervous. "Yes?"

"Wait Really? You like me? You are lying!" responded Sadie. The girl thought it was too good to be true, the girlfriend of her dreams felt the butterflies she tried to push down for  weeks.

"Not lying!! Unless you want me to be... we could forget my stupid feelings about you and-"

At that moment Willow was cut off by Sadie kissing her. She tasted like vanilla as she smiled into the kiss. Sadie pulled away fast to breathe.

Willow and Sadie held eachothers faces staring in shock out breath. Willow raised her voice to a light whisper in shock tilting her head  "So, I take it... you do like me." Sadie laughed at this.

"Of freakin course oh my god I've wanted to do that for soooo long Willy." Sadie gazed into her eyes. They stayed like that for what felt like 5 seconds. That is until the entire group quickly unlocked the door barging in.

(More to come with this story! Get ready for the final chapter!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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